Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
staff and, remaining undetected, escaped the ship and
returned to Keledek with its prize.
Finding the Staff. If the characters search the crew
quarters (area MS), they find an important piece of
evidence among the debris: the moldy remains of what
was once an ornate wooden case meant to hold a staff.
Where the head of the staff would rest, the outside of the
case is sculpted in the image of a beholder.
Jf the characters take this knowledge (or the item it·
self) back to Saltmarsh and ask around, someone who
makes a successful DC 14 Charisma (Investigation)
check finds out that Keledek has been sporting a new
staff recently- and the head of the staff is a miniature
sculpture of a beholder. If Keledek is confronted about
the item, a successful DC 15 Charisma (Intimidation
or Persuasion) check convinces Keledek to give the
staff to the characters so that they can return it to its
rightful owner.
If the staff is given back to Xalatamos, he stops
harassi ng the fishers and hides the staff in a more se-
cure location.


Centuries ago, Warthalkeel was a settlement built on
a seaside cliff. Its people worshiped a kraken named
Vaalastroth. The kraken would visit the town once every
decade, giving orders and taking treasure as tribute
from the people before descending into the deep to
slumber. Malek Trandence. a priest of Procan, visited
Warthalkeel and persuaded the people to worship the
god of the sea. When Vaalastroth next returned, the
kraken was furious at the people's betrayal. Vaalastroth
broke the cliff beneath Warthalkeel. sending the town
into the water. Rumors of hidden treasure and strange
magic in the town's ruins sometimes attract explorers
into the depths.

The ruins ofWarthalkeel have the following features:
Ceilings. The ceilings in enclosed buildings are
10 feet high, with 8-foot-high doorways between
the chambers.
Depth. The seafloor on which the ruins sit is at a depth
of 100 feet. The depth of ledges below the surface
of the water and the height of those above are noted
on mapA.7.
Light. Areas exposed to the outside are brightly lit by
the sun during the day and dimly lit by the moon at
night. Enclosed areas have no light sources.
S tructure. The ruins are made of stone. A door or a
5-foot-cubic section of wall, ceiling, or floor has AC

  1. 27 hit points, and immunity to poison and psy·
    chic damage.
    Submerged. The ruins are filled with seawater.


The following areas are keyed to map A.7.
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