Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

These cliffs once held the town of Warthalkeel. Climb-
ing the walls of the cliffs without equipme nt requires a
DC 15 Strength (Athletics) c heck.

The floor of the trench is at a depth of 10.000 feet. An
entrance to the kraken's lair lies somewhere in the deep-
est part of the trench.

These buildings are so utte rly demolished that it is im-
possible to know what purpose they served. Swarming
a round each ruin are 3d10 fish of various species and
2d4 crabs. Each fish has the statistics of a quipper,
but it doesn't have the Blood Frenzy feature a nd can't
make attacks.
Characters who dig through the rubble of a ruined
building for 10 minutes find an object on the Ruin Ob-
jects table.

dlO Object
Human bones
2 An iron holy symbol of Procan
3 A tin toy kraken
4 A rusted blade engraved with a tentacle
5 The cover of a book of hymns to Procan
6 A rusty tool, weapon, or armor
7 An engraving, sculpture, or other work of art de-
picting a kraken
8 An engraving, sculpture, or other work of art de-
picting Procan
9 A broken piece of a boat
10 A stuffed and preserved octopus corpse

The wood blades of the windmill are gone. and the in-
side of the mill is covered in rubble from the grinding
wheel that broke apart when t he building was sub-
merged. Two human skeletons lie among the rubble.
Two will-o'-wisps occupy the mill. When a creature
enters the building, the undead attempt to lead the
c reature into Vaalastroth Trench (area W2). whispering
promises of treasure.

The people ofWarthalkeel built a vault to store the trea-
sures earmarked for Vaalastroth.
WSa. Guard Post. Stone benches line the walls, and
a stone counter stands before the vault doors. Three hu-
man s keletons in rusted chainmail lie on the floor.
WSb. Vault. The door to the vault is locked with an
arcane lock spell. A character can pick the lock with a
s uccessful DC 25 Dexterity check using thieves' tool or
force the door open with a s uccessful DC^30 Strength
check. Touching the door with a bone from the high
priest's skeleton (in area W7d) unlocks the door.
If a creature touches or attacks the door while it is
locked, the door produces a spectral tendril 1hat makes

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an attack against the creature with a +7 bonus. If the
tendril hits, it deals 11(2d6+4) psychic damage.
Most of the vault's treasures were removed from the
vault when Warthalkeel's citizens converted to the wor-
s hip of Procan, but a stone chest in the vault contains
1,232 gp and^213 pp.

The house of Procan was erected to replace the Temple
ofVaalastroth (area W7).
Malek Trandcnce secretly worshiped Erythnul, the
god of slaughter. He knew that converting Warthalkeel
to a ne w re ligion would bring down the krake n's wrath,
pleasing his true god.
W6a. Chamber of Prayer. A chipped statue of Procan
holding a trident in one hand and a piece of coral in the
other stands on the east waJI. A human skeleton lies at
the feet of the statue.
W6b. R eflection Chamber. A glass fish tank over-
grown with kelp s tands on the east wall. and a mosaic
of Procan's coral trident holy symbol is built into the
ceiling. A giant crab hides in the kelp and attacks any
creature that disturbs it.
W6c. Pries t 's Office. Broken wood furniture lies on
the cracked floor. A 2-foot-diameter hole in the ceiling
allows light from outside to enter and provides entry and
exit to the swarm of quippers that lives here.
A c haracter who searches through the debris on the
floor finds a gold holy symbol of Procan (15 gp).
W6d. Priest 's Room. Broken wood furniture and
rusty mattress springs cover the floor.
A character notices the outline of a secret compart-
ment in the wall with a successful DC^15 Wisdom (Per-
ception) check. The compartment holds an iron holy
symbol of Erythnul.
W6e. Shrine to Erythnul. All doors to this area are
locked. A character can pick the lock with a successful
DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves' tool or force the
door open with a successful DC^20 Strength check.
The skeletal remains of several beasts litter the floor,
and an altar to Erythnul made of bones stands on the
east wall. A magic morningstar lies on the altar. This
weapon has th e Curse property of a berserker axe and
no other magical properties.
W6f. Shrine to Procan. Six cracked stone benches
line a path leading up to a stone altar of Procan on a
2-foot-high dais at the south end of the room. Four hu-
man s keletons lie on the floor.

A four-story temple honoring Vaalastroth served as
Warthalkeel's house of worship and seat of government
for years. After Malek Trandence converted most of the
townspeople to the worship of Procan. a few priests
loyal to the kraken remained in the temple, preaching
Vaalastroth's word only to each other.
W7a. Entry Chapel. The chapel's floor, walls,
ceiling, and columns are painted with a mosaic of a
kraken reaching its tentacles up into a stormy sky. An
altar shaped like a kraken's head stands in the center
of the room.
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