Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


book collects seven D&D adventures, each
famous for their unique challenges, for their
deadly threats, and for embracing the danger
and wonder of the high seas. Some of these
adventures initially charted their courses
in the earliest days of D&o·s history. while
others set sail in more recent years. In each
case, these tales of plunder and peril have been updated
for the current edition of the game. revealing deadly
shores for brave crews to explore anew.
Along with these adventures returns one of D&D's
most famous seaside settings: the port town of Salt-
marsh. The original backdrop of three of this collec-
tion's tales (The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh. Danger at
Dunwater, and The Final Enemy), this fishing commu-
nity has a tradition of being a starting point for incredi-
ble adventures. Historically, Saltmarsh and the dangers
facing its people provided a widening sphere of adven-
ture, with increasingly dire threats drawing heroes to
explore more of the coast of the Azure Sea. Ghosts of
Saltmarsh continues that tradition. presenting a portion
of the coastal lands of Keoland, a kingdom in the Grey-
hawk setting. Each adventure notes where that story
might unfold in the region around Saltmarsh. providing
a shared setting for them all. Although these seven ad-
ventures weren·t designed to create a single overarching
narrative, the tools provided herein make it easy to link
these stories into a wider Saltmarsh campaign.

In addition Lo the adventures themselves, chapter 1,
"Saltmarsh," provides an in-depth look at the town, its
various inhabitants, the nearby coasts, and what dan-
gers threaten the region. A variety of new backgrounds
also help make new characters part of the Saltmarsh
community, giving them personal stakes in the town's
opportunities and hardships.
The sea and its threats aren't unique to Saltmarsh.
To help launch explorations across the wild waves. ap-
pendix A. "Of Ships and the Sea." presents a toolbox for
ocean-bound adventures. New rules for various ships,
how to crew and captain them, and how to pit them
against each other provide adventurers with new modes
of exploration. Beyond this, details on a variety of nauti-
cal dangers and oceanic hazards- from magical storms
to whirlpools- make the seas even deadlier than ever
before. A spectrum of tables also helps generate encoun-
ters upon the waves, be they deadly sea monsters; ran-
dom vessels. theirs crews. and cargo; or islands brim-
ming with untold mysteries. Concluding the appendix
are a variety of underwater locations-like deadly reefs
and sunken ruins ready to be customized and explored
as your campaign demands.
The book's remaining appendices present magical
treasures perfectly suited to seafarers and a robust col-
lection of fearsome aquatic foes.
New horizons of adventure now lie before you. What
wonders and terrors will you discover across the waves?
Set sail and find out!
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