flowering is over. Height, from 3 ft. to 10 ft.
Lophospermum.--Very elegant half-hardy climbers. Planted against a
wall in the open air, or at the bottom of trellis-work, they will
flower abundantly in June, but the protection of a greenhouse is
necessary in winter. They like a rich, light soil, and may be grown
from seeds sown on a slight hotbed in spring, or from cuttings taken
young and placed under glass. Height, 10 ft.
Love Apples.--See "Tomatoes."
Love Grass.--See "Eragrostis."
Love-in-a-Mist.--See "Nigella."
Love-lies-Bleeding (Amaranthus Caudatus).--A hardy annual bearing
graceful drooping racemes of crimson blossom. The seed should be sown
in the open at the end of March, and thinned out or transplanted with
a good ball of earth. Makes a fine border plant. Height, 2 ft.
Luculia Gratissima.--A fine plant either for the wall or border. It
grows well in a compost of peat and light, turfy loam, but it is not
suitable for pot culture. During growing time abundance of water
is needed. When flowering has ceased, cut it hard back. It may be
increased by layering, or by cuttings placed in sand under glass and
subjected to heat. It flowers in August. Height, 8 ft.
Lunaria.--See "Honesty."
Lupins.--Though old-fashioned flowers, these still rank among our most
beautiful annual and herbaceous border plants. They may be grown in
any soil, but a rich loam suits them best. The seed germinates freely
when sown in March, and the flowers are produced in July. Height, 2
ft. to 3 ft.
Lychnis.--Hardy perennials which, though rather straggling, deserve
to be cultivated on account of the brilliancy of their flowers. L.
Chalcedonica, commonly known as Ragged Robin, is perhaps the most
showy variety; but L. Viscaria Plena, or Catchfly, is a very beautiful
plant. They grow freely in light, rich, loamy soil, but need dividing
frequently to prevent them dwindling away. The best season for this
operation is early in spring. Beyond the care that is needed to
prevent the double varieties reverting to a single state, they merely
require the same treatment as other hardy perennials. They flower in
June and July. Height, 2 ft. to 3 ft.
Lyre Flower.--See "Dielytra."
Lysimachia Clethroides.--This hardy perennial has something of the
appearance of a tall Speedwell. When in flower it is attractive, and
as it blooms from July on to September it is worth a place in the
border. A deep, rich loam is most suitable for its growth, and a
sheltered position is of advantage. The roots may be divided either in