Dictionary of Flowers And Plants For Gardening

(Barré) #1

November or early in spring. Height, 3 ft.

Lysimachia Nummularia (Creeping Jenny).--This plant is extremely
hardy, and is eminently suitable either for rock-work or pots. It is
of the easiest cultivation, and when once established requires merely
to be kept in check. Every little piece of the creeping root will, if
taken off, make a fresh plant.

Lythrum.--Very handsome hardy perennials which thrive in any garden
soil, and may be raised from seed or increased by dividing the roots.
They flower in July. Height, of different varieties, 6 in. to 4 ft.


Madia.--A hardy annual of a rather handsome order. The seed should be
sown in May in a shady situation. The plant is not particular as to
soil, and will flower about eight weeks after it is sown, and continue
to bloom during August and September. Height, 11/2 ft.

Magnolia Grandiflora.--A handsome, hardy evergreen, with large
shining, Laurel-shaped leaves, and highly-scented, Tulip-shaped white
flowers. A noble plant for a spacious frontage, but in most places
requires to be grown on a wall. It flourishes in any damp soil, and is
increased by layers. Flowers in August. Height, 20 ft.

Mahonia.--Handsome evergreen shrubs, useful for covert planting or for
grouping with others. They grow best in a compost of sand, peat, and
loam, and may be propagated by cuttings or by layers of ripened wood,
laid down in autumn. They flower in April. Height, 4 ft. to 6 ft.

Maianthemum Bifolium.--The flowers of this hardy perennial are
produced in April and May, and somewhat resemble miniature Lily of the
Valley. Seed may be sown at the end of July. The plant will grow in
any soil, but delights in partial shade. Height, 6 in.

Maize.--See "Zea."

Malope.--Very beautiful hardy annuals having soft leaves. They may be
raised from seed sown in April in any garden soil. They bloom in June
or July. Height, 11/2 ft. to 2 ft.

Malva.--Very ornamental plants, more especially the greenhouse
varieties. The hardy perennials succeed in any good garden soil, and
are increased by seed sown in the autumn, or by division of the
root. The greenhouse kinds should be grown in rich earth: these are
propagated by cuttings planted in light soil. The annuals are poor
plants. Some of the varieties bloom in June, others in August. Height,
2 ft.

Mandevillea Suaveolens.--A fine climbing plant bearing very sweet
white flowers in June. It is rather tender, and more suitable for the

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