MEDICINAL PLANTS in Folk Tradition

(Darren Dugan) #1

Sorbus aucuparia,rowan. Strangles (Limerick^247 —smoke of burnt wood
Stellaria media,chickweed. Red-water fever (†Wicklow, combined with
Scrophularia nodosa^248 ); black-leg (Cavan^249 ); moulting in cagebirds
(Ireland, unlocalised^250 ); convulsions in pigs (Leitrim^251 ); pip (Sligo^252 );
gapes (Norfolk,^253 Cavan^254 ).
Symphytum officinale,common comfrey (figure on page 208). Sprains and
broken legs (Limerick^255 ); swellings in horses (Limerick^256 ); swollen
udders of cows (Monaghan,^257 Meath^258 ); sore feet in ‘animals’ (Long-
ford^259 ); swine fever (Leitrim^260 ); diarrhoea in cattle (Cavan region^261 );
‘blood scour’ (Limerick^262 ); coughs in cows (Cumbria, combined with
Primula veris^263 ); digestive problems in horses and poultry (Norfolk^264 );
tonic for horses and geese (Norfolk^265 ); tonic for pigs (Fens of East
Anglia^266 ).
*Symphytum×uplandicumNyman, Russian comfrey. Caucasus?; widely
introduced elsewhere. Foot-and-mouth disease (England, unlocal-
ised^267 ).
Tamus communis,black bryony. Barrenness in cows (Cheshire^268 ); stimu-
lant for mares (Lincolnshire^269 ); tonic for pigs (Fens of East Anglia^270 );
stiff joints of animals, especially of pigs lame from an unidentified dis-
ease called ‘broyant’ (Montgomeryshire^271 ).
Tanacetum vulgare,tansy (figure on page 295). Red-water fever (South Uist
in the Outer Hebrides,^272 †Kerry^273 ); worms in horses (Galway^274 ); pip
(Cork^275 ); adder bites (Glamorgan, in a mixture^276 ).
Taraxacum officinale,dandelion (figure on page 288). Fluke in calves
(Limerick^277 ); black-leg (Cavan^278 ); diarrhoea in calves (Limerick^279 );
cowpox (Roscommon^280 ); pain in horses (Offaly^281 ); pip (Co. Dublin^282 );
‘pine’ (see entry for Menyanthes trifoliata) in turkeys (Limerick^283 ).
Taxus baccata,yew.To make horses’ coats shine (Montgomeryshire^284 —
the ‘dust’ given in tiny quantities).
Teucrium scorodonia,wood sage. Worms in horses (Skye^285 ); mastitis
(Hampshire^286 ); sore udders of cows (three counties of north-western
Wales^287 ); blindness in cows and sheep (Skye and Harris in Heb-
rides^288 —juice put into ears).
Thymusspp., thyme. Unspecified ailment(s) of ponies (Hampshire^289 ).
Tr i f olium pratense,red clover. Sore tongue in cattle (Tipperary^290 ); fever in
heifers (Monmouthshire^291 ).

Appendix Veterinary Remedies 357
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