MEDICINAL PLANTS in Folk Tradition

(Darren Dugan) #1
358 Veterinary Remedies

Ulexspp., gorse. Worms (Isle of Man,^292 six Irish counties); botts (Mona-
ghan^293 ); coughs in cattle (Cavan^294 ); pains in horses (Galway^295 );
swellings (Meath^296 ).
Ulmus glabra,wych elm. Expulsion of afterbirth in cows (Berwickshire^297 ).
Umbilicus rupestris,navelwort (figure on page 135). Expulsion of after-
birth in cows (Mayo,^298 Wicklow^299 ); sore udders of cows (Merioneth-
shire^300 ); ‘sick cattle’ (Kerry^301 ); saddle galls on horses (Isle of Man^302 );
scruff on legs of a horse (Wicklow^303 ).
Urtica dioica,common nettle (figure on page 85). Red-water fever
(Kerry^304 ); ‘teart’, deficiency disease in cattle (Colonsay in the Inner
Hebrides^305 ); tonic for pigs, goats and rabbits (Norfolk^306 ); to ensure
pregnancy in a mare that has been served (Norfolk^307 ); blackhead
(Norfolk^308 ); pip (Tipperary^309 ).
Valeriana officinalis,common valerian. Distemper in dogs (Norfolk, in a
mixture^310 ).
Verbascum thapsus,great mullein (figure on page 251). Bovine tubercu-
losis (Kent^311 ); diarrhoea in cattle (England, unlocalised^312 ); sores on
‘animals’ (Co. Dublin^313 ).
Ve ronicaspp., speedwell. Worms (Isle of Man^314 ).
Viscum album,mistletoe (figure on page 166). Barrenness in cows (Isle of
Man^315 ); expulsion of afterbirth in cows (Essex,^316 Herefordshire^317 );
purge for sheep, and a gentle tonic for ewes after lambing
(Herefordshire^318 ).


*Characeae,stoneworts. ‘Gaa’, obscure disease of cattle supposedly of bilious
origin (Shetland^319 ).
Pelvetia canaliculata,channelled wrack. ‘Dry disease’ in cows (South Uist
in the Outer Hebrides^320 ).
Porphyraspp., slake. Spring purge for cows (Skye^321 ).

Lycoperdaceae, puffballs. Collar and saddle sores on horses, and to staunch
bleeding in cattle when polled (Wicklow^322 ).
Tr e m e l l aspp., jelly fungus. Purge for cattle (Skye^323 ).
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