Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering, Volume I and II

(Ben Green) #1


This concept of changing the VOC mixture is the basis
for the use of reformulated or alternative fuels for the reduc-
tion of ozone production. Oxygenated fuel components,
such as methanol, ethanol, and methyl t-butyl ether (MTBE),
generally have smaller incremental reactivities than those
of the larger alkanes, such as n-octane, which are more
characteristic of the fuels used in automobiles. The use of
these fuels would be expected to reduce the reactivity of the
evaporative fuel losses from the automobiles, but the more
important question is how they will change the reactivity of
the exhaust emissions of VOCs. The data that are currently
available suggests that there should also be a reduction in the
reactivity of the exhaust emissions as well.

Ozone Isopleths

Ozone production depends on the initial amounts of VOC
and NO x in an air mass. Ozone isopleths, such as those
shown in Figure 5, are contour diagrams that provide a con-
venient means of illustrating the way in which the maximum
ozone concentration reached over a fixed irradiation period
depends on the initial concentrations of NO x and the initial
concentration of VOCs. The ozone isopleths shown in Figure
5 represent model results for Atlanta, using the Carbon Bond
4 chemical mechanism (Seinfeld, 1995). The point on the

contour plot represents the initial conditions containing
600 ppbC of anthropogenic controllable VOCs, 38 ppbC
of background uncontrollable VOCs, and 100 ppb of NO x.
These conditions represent morning center-city conditions.
The calculations are run for a 14-hour period, as chemistry
proceeds and the air mass moves to the suburbs, with associ-
ated changes in mixing height and dilution. The air above the
mixing layer is assumed to have 20 ppbC VOC and 40 ppb
of O 3. The peak ozone concentration reached in the calcula-
tion is about 145 ppb, as indicated at the point. The isopleths
arise from systematically repeating these calculations, vary-
ing the initial VOC and initial NO x with all other conditions
the same.
The base case corresponds to the point, and the horizon-
tal line represents a constant initial NO x concentration. At a
fixed initial NO x , as one goes from the point to a lower initial
VOC, the maximum O 3 decreases, while increasing the initial
VOC leads to an increase in the maximum O 3 concentration
until the ridge line is reached. The ridge line represents the
VOC-to-NO x ratio that leads to the maximum ozone produc-
tion at the lowest concentrations of both VOC and NO x. The
region of the isopleth diagram below the ridge line is referred
to as the NOx -limited region; it has a higher VOC:NO x ratio.
The region of the diagram above the ridge line is referred to
as the VOC-limited region; it has a lower VOC:NO x ratio. In






0 400 800 1200 1600 2000

Initial VOC, ppbC

Initial NO

, ppbx



FIGURE 5 Ozone isopleth diagram for Atlanta, Georgia. Adjacent ozone isopleth lines are
10 ppb different. The point on the constant NOx line represents the base case. From Seinfeld
(1995). With permission.

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