Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering, Volume I and II

(Ben Green) #1


the NOx -limited region, there is inadequate NO x present to be
oxidized by all of the peroxy radicals that are being produced
in the oxidation of the VOCs. Adding more NO x in this region
increases ozone production. The base-case point in Figure 5 is
located in the VOC-limited region of the diagram. Increasing
NO x from the base-case point actually leads to a decrease in
the maximum ozone that can be produced.

Nighttime Chemistry

At night, the urban atmospheric chemistry is quite different
than during the day. The ozone present at night may react
with organics, but no new ozone is formed. These ozone reac-
tions with organics are generally slow. Ozone can react with
alkanes, producing hydroxyl radicals. This hydroxyl-radical
production is more important for somewhat larger alkenes.
The significance of this hydroxyl-radical production is limited
by the available ozone. Besides reacting with organics, ozone
can react with NO 2 :

O 3  NO 2 → O 2  NO 3 (28)

forming the nitrate radical (NO 3 ). NO 3 radicals can further
react with NO 2 to form dinitrogen pentoxide (N 2 O 5 ), which
can dissociate to reform NO 3 and NO 2 :

NO 3  NO 2  M → N 2 O 5  M (29)
N 2 O 5 → NO 3  NO 2 (30)

establishing an equilibrium between NO 3 and N 2 O 5. Under
typical urban conditions, the nighttime N 2 O 5 will be 1 to
100 times the NO 3 concentration. These reactions are only
of importance at night, since NO 3 can be photolyzed quite
efficiently during the day.
NO 3 can also react quickly with some organics. A generic
reaction, which represents reactions with alkanes and alde-
hydes, would be

NO 3  RH → HNO 3  R (31)

The reactions of NO 3 with alkenes and aromatics proceed by a
different route, such as adding to the double bond. NO 3 reacts
quite rapidly with natural hydrocarbons, such as isoprene and
α -pinene (Table 4), and cresols (Finlayson-Pitts and Pitts,
2000). Not much is known about the chemistry of N 2 O 5 , other
than it is likely to hydrolyze, forming nitric acid:

N 2 O 5  H 2 O → 2HNO 3 (32)


The discussion of urban atmospheric chemistry presented
above is greatly simplified. Many more hydrocarbon types
are present in the urban atmosphere, but the examples pre-
sented should provide an idea of the types of reactions that
may be of importance. In summary, urban atmospheric
ozone is formed as a result of the photolysis of NO 2. NO 2 is

formed by the oxidation of the primary pollutant NO, which
accompanies the hydroxyl-radical-initiated chain oxidation
of organics. Hydroxyl radicals can be produced by the pho-
tolysis of various compounds. Ozone formation is clearly a
daytime phenomenon, as is the hydroxyl-radical attack of


With the implementation of air-quality standards for fine (or
respirable) particulate matter in the atmosphere, there has
been increasing interest in the composition and sources of
this fine particulate matter. It has long been recognized that
particles in the atmosphere have both primary (direct emis-
sion) and secondary (formed in the atmosphere) sources.
Among the secondary particulate matter in the atmosphere
are salts of the inorganic acids (mostly nitric and sulfuric
acids) formed in the atmosphere. It has been found that
there is a significant contribution of carbonaceous particu-
late matter, consisting of elemental and organic carbon.
Elemental carbon (EC), also known as black carbon or gra-
phitic carbon, is emitted directly into the atmosphere during
combustion processes. Organic carbon (OC) is both emitted
directly to the atmosphere (primary OC), or formed in the
atmosphere by the condensation of low-volatility products
of the photooxidation of hydrocarbons (secondary OC).
The organic component of ambient particles is a complex
mixture of hundreds of organic compounds, including:
n-alkanes, n-alkanoic acids, n-alkanals, aliphatic dicarbox-
ylic acids, diterpenoid acids and retene, aromatic polycar-
boxylic acids, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polycyclic
aromatic ketones and quinines, steroids, N-containing com-
pounds, regular steranes, pentacyclic triterpanes, and iso-
and anteiso-alkanes (Seinfeld and Pandis, 1998).
Secondary organic aerosols (SOAs) are formed by the
condensation of low-vapor-pressure oxidation products of
organic gases. The first step in organic-aerosol production
is the formation of the low-vapor-pressure compound in
the gas phase as a result of atmospheric oxidation. The
second step involves the organic compound partitioning
between the gas and particulate phases. The first step is
controlled by the gas-phase chemical kinetics for the oxi-
dation of the original organic compound. The partitioning
is a physicochemical process that may involve interactions
among the various compounds present in both phases. This
partitioning process is discussed extensively by Seinfeld
and Pandis (1998).
Figure 6 (Seinfeld, 2002) illustrates a generalized mecha-
nism for the photooxidation of an n-alkane. The compounds
shown in boxes are relatively stable oxidation products that
might have the potential to partition into the particulate
phase. Previous studies of SOA formation have found that the
aerosol products are often di- or poly-functionally substituted
products, including carbonyl groups, carboxylic acid groups,
hydroxyl groups, and nitrate groups.
A large number of laboratory studies have been done
investigating the formation of SOAs. Kleindienst et al. (2002)

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