Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering, Volume I and II

(Ben Green) #1


have shown significant SOA formation from the irradiation of
simulated auto exhaust. Griffin et al. (1999) have shown that
the oxidation of biogenic hydrocarbons can also be important
contributors to SOAs. This work also investigated the role of
individual oxidation pathways, by ozone, nitrate radicals, and
hydroxyl radicals. It was found that each of these oxidants
can be quite important depending on the biogenic hydrocar-
bon with which they are reacting. Figure 7 (Seinfeld, 2002)
shows an example of the partitioning of products of the
ozone reaction with α -pinene between the gas and particulate
phases. From this figure it is clear that the partitioning can
change a lot between the various poly-functional products of
the oxidation of α -pinene.
Jang et al. (2002) suggested that acidic aerosol surfaces
may catalyze heterogeneous reactions that could lead to the
formation of additional SOAs. As we will see in the next sec-
tion, there is considerable potential for having acidic aerosols
present in the atmosphere. The authors present data that sug-
gests larger secondary-aerosol yields in the presence of an

acid seed aerosol than occurs in the presence of a non-acid
seed aerosol. The suggestion is that the acid is capable of
catalyzing the formation of lower-volatility organic products,
maybe through polymerization.
Pandis et al. (1991) have found no significant SOA forma-
tion from the photooxidation of isoprene, due to its small size
and the high volatility of its oxidation products. Significant
SOAs are formed from biogenic hydrocarbons larger than
isoprene. Claeys et al. (2004) suggest that the yield of SOAs
from the photooxidation of isoprene in the Amazonian rain
forest, where NO x is low (100 ppt), is about 0.4% on a mass
basis. Even with its low particulate yield, since the global
annual isoprene emissions are about 500 Tg per year, the SOAs
from isoprene photooxidation alone could account for about
2 Tg/yr. This is a significant fraction of the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (Houghton et al., 2001) estimate of
between 8 and 40 Tg/yr of SOAs from biogenic sources. The
oxidation of the other biogenic hydrocarbons are expected to
have much higher SOA yields.



Hydroxy carbonyl

Hydroxylalkoxy radical

Hydroxyalkylperoxy radical

as above

as above

+ HO 2

H 2 O

Alkoxy radical

O 2

O 2

O 2


+ Alkyl radical

Alkylperoxy radical

O 2 as above


Alkylperoxy radical



NO 2

HO 2
+ O 2

Alkoxy radical





stable products with potential
to partition to the aerosol phase
or to further react







FIGURE 6 Generalized mechanism for the photooxidation of an n-alkane. The products shown in boxes are
expected to be relatively stable organic products that might be able to partition into the particulate phase, if they
have sufficiently low vapor pressures. From Seinfeld (2002). With permission.

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