Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering, Volume I and II

(Ben Green) #1



  1. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Determining dust concen-
    tration in a gas stream, Power Test Code Nos. 21 and 27. December
    1941 and April 1957.

  2. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. Ambient
    monitoring guidelines for prevention of significant deterioration, (PSD),
    EPA 450/2-78-019.

  3. Los Angeles Air Pollution Control District, Los Angeles, CA. Source
    Sampling Manual , November 1963.

  4. Pollution Equipment News, Guide to selecting air quality monitoring
    and sampling equipment, June 1980.

  5. Powals, Richard J., Zaner, Loren J., and Sporek, Karel F., Handbook of
    Stack Sampling and Analysis, 1978.

  6. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Continuous air
    pollution source monitoring systems, EPA 625/6-79-005, June 1979.
    7. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Standards of perfor-
    mance for new stationary sources, Title 40, Part 60, Federal Register,
    August 18, 1977.
    8. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Industrial guide for air
    pollution control, EPA 625/6-78-004, June 1978.
    9. Wedding, J.B., Weigand, M.A., Kim, Y.J., Swift, D.L., and Lodge, J.P.,
    A critical flow device for accurate PM-10 sampling, Jnl. of Air. Poll.
    Cont. Assoc ., 37, 254 (1988).
    10. http://www.environmental-expert.com/air.htm (2005)

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