Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering, Volume I and II

(Ben Green) #1



As the world’s population and industrialization grow, air
pollution (Figure 1) becomes a progressively more serious
problem. The control of air pollution requires the involve-
ment of scientists from many disciplines: physics, chemistry
and mechanical engineering, meteorology, economics, and
politics. The amount of control necessary depends on the
results of medical and biological studies.
The state of the atmosphere affects, first, many types of pol-
lution. For example, on a cold day, more fuel is used for space
heating. Also, solar radiation, which is affected by cloudiness,
has an influence as smog production. Second, atmospheric
conditions determine the behavior of pollutants after they leave
the source or sources until they reach receptors, such as people,
animals, or plants. The question to be answered is: given the
meteorological conditions, and the characteristics of the source
or sources, what will be the concentration of the pollutants at
any distance from the sources? The inverse question also is
important for some applications: given a region of polluted air,
where does the pollution originate?
Finally, the effect of the pollution on the receptor may
depend on atmospheric conditions. For example, on a humid
day, sulfur dioxide is more corrosive than on a dry day.
Meteorological information is needed in three general
areas of air pollution control:

(1) In planning control measures, wind climatology
is required. Pollution usually must be reduced
to a point where the air quality is substantially
better than the existing quality. In order to assure
improved quality, certain standards are set which
prescribe maximum concentrations of certain

In order to reach such standards, the points of origin of
the pollution must first be located; traditionally, everybody
blames everybody else for the unsatisfactory air quality.
Given possible pollution sources, tracing of air trajectories
coupled with estimates of atmospheric dispersion will give
the required answers. Once the relative importance of differ-
ent pollution sources is known, strategies have to be devel-
oped to determine the degree to which each source must
reduce its effluent.

The most economical way to cut concentration of some
pollutant may not be to cut the effluent of each emitter by the
same amount. In order to find the best strategy, city models
must be constructed, separately for each pollutant and for
different meteorological conditions, which show how the air
pollution climate of an urban region is affected by the exist-
ing distribution of sources, and what change would be pro-
duced when certain sources are controlled. The construction
of such models will be discussed later, and requires a fairly
sophisticated handling of meteorological data. The same
models then also help in planning future growth of housing
and industry.
Of course, not all problems of air pollution meteorology
are as complex as those involving urban areas. The planning
of individual plants, for example, must be based in part on
the air pollution to be expected from the plant under various
atmospheric conditions; meteorological calculations may
show whether expensive techniques for cleaning the effluent
before leaving the stack may be required.

(2) Meteorological forecasts can be used to vary
the effluent from day to day, or even within a
24 hour period. This is because at different times
the atmosphere is able to disperse contaminants
much better than at other times; purer fuels must
be used, and operation of certain industries must
be stopped completely in certain areas when the

FIGURE 1 Air pollution in New York City prior to SO 2 and
particulate restriction.

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