Android Programming The Big Nerd Ranch Guide by Bill Phillips, Chris Stewart, Kristin Marsicano (

(gtxtreme123) #1

onRestoreStateInstance(Parcelable) method
(View), 608
onResume() method (Activity), 55, 212
onResume() method (FragmentManager), 212
onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) method
(Activity class, 68- 73
onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) method
(Fragment), 143
onSaveStateInstance() method (View), 608
onStart() method (Activity), 55
onStop() method (Activity), 55
onTextChanged(...) method (TextWatcher), 145
onTouchEvent(MotionEvent) method (View),
OnTouchListener interface (View), 602
openConnection() method (URL), 478
openFileInput(...) method (FileInputStream),
openFileOutput(...) method (FileInputStream),
openNonAssetFd(...) method, 398
options objects, 657
overflow menu, 251
@Override, 58
overview screen, 61, 462


PackageManager class
about, 302
querying, 311
resolveActivity(...), 302
packages, naming, 4
padding, 202
Paint class, 606
Parcelable interface, 413, 608
PendingIntent class, 547
adding to manifest, 479
location, 630
permission groups, 638
providing rationale, 646
requesting at runtime, 637-642
persistent data, 532-535
designating file location for, 310
scaling and displaying bitmaps, 313-316
taking with intents, 311, 312

PhotoView class, 314
placeholders (in format strings), 293
Play Services (see Google Play Services)
PointF class, 603
post(...) method (Handler), 515
preferences (Android Studio), 35
preloading, 520
presses, responding to, 178
processes, 468, 470
progress indicator
hiding, 591
updating from background thread, 496
adding resources, 49
app/java directory, 17
configuring, 5
creating, 3-7
gen directory, 18
layout, 7
res/layout directory, 18
res/menu directory, 250
res/values directory, 18
setting package name, 4
setting project name, 4
property animation (see animation)
protection level values, 572
publishProgress(...) method (AsyncTask), 496
putCharSequence(...); method (Bundle), 210
putExtra(...) method (Intent), 207
putInt(...); method (Bundle), 210
putSerializable(...) method (Bundle), 210

query(...) method, 281

R class, 18
randomUUID() method, 134
read() method (InputStream), 478
Recents button, 61
RecyclerView class
about, 167-175
efficient reloading of, 216
for display grid, 476
setOnItemClickListener(...), 585
vs ListView and GridView, 179
release key, 30
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