Solid Waste Management and Recycling

(Rick Simeone) #1

There are various methods to dispose of hospital waste. In all government hospitals in
our sample anatomical wastes like human tissues, human organs and body parts are
disposed of by deep burial. In some other hospitals they are simply dumped in waste
bins after being put in covers All other types of hospital waste, ranging from labora-
tory cultures and biological toxins to outdated drugs and materials contaminated with
blood, are mostly dumped in waste bins, although some times these materials are
incinerated or autoclaved and then dumped in waste bins. Only three hospitals have
incinerators However, in one of them (Osmania hospital) incineration is not func-
tioning due to restrictions imposed by the Pollution Control Board. The remaining five
sample hospitals do not have incinerators In all the eight hospitals materials are segre-
gated before being sent to waste bins. Only four hospitals subsequently sell paper,
plastic and iron items. All the hospitals are satisfied with the work of MCH workers
who clean the waste bins daily or sometimes once in two to three days. Nevertheless,
among the eight hospitals included in our sample five are planning to give waste
collection to private operators as they feel these will do better than the MCH workers
because of their punctuality and regularity. In addition, they think that MCH is not
capable of handling biomedical waste in a professional manner.

Educational institutions and offices
For the present study three high schools, three Junior colleges, three Degree colleges,
two Engineering colleges and four offices were selected for closer examination on
their waste practices^7.

  1. The hospitals selected for the present detailed study are, Osmania General Hospital, Gandhi Hospital,
    Government General and Chest Hospital, Medicity Hospital, Medwin Hospital, St.Theresa’s Hospital,
    Vijaya Marie Hospital and Vijaya Krishna Nursing Home. Osmania and Gandhi Hospitals are the old-
    est and the biggest Hospitals among the sample hospitals with the staff strength of 2,400 and 1,500
    respectively. They were established is 1866 and 1851 respectively. Government General and Chest
    Hospital was established in 1971 with 200 beds and 400 staff. Medicity Hospital was setup in 1992
    with staff of 350 and 150 beds. Medwin Hospital, a corporate hospital, was established in 1989 with
    750 staff and 350 beds. St. Theresa’s and Vijaya Marie Hospitals are run by Charitable Trusts estab-
    lished in 1973 and 1942 with 425 and 60 staff respectively. Vijaya Krishna Nurshing home was started
    in 1987 with 40 beds and 12 staff.

  2. Osmania University College for Women is the oldest college established in 1924 with 480 staff among
    the sample Institutions selected. The other degree colleges selected are Siddhartha College and Annie
    Besent College, which were established in 1995 and 1994 respectively. The Engineering colleges
    selected for the present study are Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University College and DVR Col-
    lege of Engineering and Technology, which were established in 1985 and 1998 respectively. The
    offices selected for the present study are Office of the Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad (800
    staff), ITC Badrachlam Paper Boards Limited (300 staff), Institute of Health Systems (60 staff) and
    Office of the Accountant General (1,650 staff).

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