The sample institutions store their waste in plastic containers, gunny bags or polythene
cement bags and subsequently dump it somewhere on their compound or in the nearest
MCH dustbin. In the latter case their own staff carries this out. As far as the public
schools and municipal offices are concerned, these usually take the help of MCH
workers to dispose of the waste from their institute. Within the waste generated in the
sample institutes, only paper waste is taken out to be sold by some of them. Other
materials are rarely sold. In most sample institutions waste bins are cleared daily
whereas in the remaining institutions they are cleared once in two to three days, some-
times once in a week and once a month also. Almost none of the investigated institu-
tions plans to give waste collection in their campus to private contractors; the volumes
of waste generated in their institutions is usually rather limited and can be disposed of
easily by their own staff. Only two institutions are planning to give waste management
to private contractors Nevertheless, the majority of them agree with the notion that
private contractors do better than the MCH because they feel that private contractors
are more accountable and better supervised.
Hotels are key generators of waste. For the present study, twelve hotels have been
selected to assess the quantity of waste generated and the way of disposal of waste^8.
The majority of the hotels use plastic containers to store the waste while others use
polythene covers Moreover, this waste is first dumped inside the hotel premises. All
the hotels dispose of their waste – which may amount up to 100 kg per day – on a daily
basis. Several hotels sort the waste taking out materials such as liquor bottles, paper,
and glass pieces that are sold out. Sometimes edible waste is given to beggars Very
often the hotels have some kind of arrangement with cattle farms or piggeries who
collect food and vegetable waste free of charge to be used as animal feed. Some of the
hotels have contracted out their waste collection to the private sector (Golconda, Para-
dise-Percis), but most, especially the smaller and medium sized hotels, continue to use
the MCH service. The latter do not have plans to give waste collection to a private
The city of Hyderabad (including the adjacent municipalities) has 34 markets and 5
slaughterhouses. These are all major generators faced with the problem of waste
pilling up and leading to unhygienic conditions on the premises. Among the research
- The following hotels were included: Golconda, Ashoka, Ramakrishna, Bawarchi, Paradise – Percis,
Kamat, Fishland, Rajdoot, Kings ‘N’ Cordinal Bakery and Confectionery, Dhana Laxmi Mess, Sri
Devi Mess and Sri Balaji Mess. All these hotels were established between the years 1953 – 1996.
Among all the sample hotels Hotel Golconda and Hotel Paradise – Percis have highest staff strength of
300 and 250 respectively. All the three messes have only 10 staff each.