Plant Biotechnology and Genetics: Principles, Techniques and Applications

(Grace) #1

Chromatin, 88, 136–140, 144–146
Cis-acting element, 144, 164, 186
Cleistogamy, Cleistogamous flowers, 35–36
Codons, 76, 145–152, 169–170, 178–179, 220
Collins, Glenn, 130–131
Complementary DNA,seecDNA
Conner, Tony, 155–156
Cotransformation, 235–236, 259
Cre-loxrecombination system, 175–176,
Cytokinin, 100, 105, 114–116, 120, 125, 166,
230, 236

Delmer, Deborah, 108–110
Development of
Flowers, 98–101
Fruits, 88–89
Leaves, 95–98
Roots, 94–95
Dhillon, Taniya, 366–367
Disease-resistance 57, 64–5, 67, 202–205
DNA blot analysis,seeSouthern blot analysis
Doubled haploids, 75, 81, 123, 131

Electroporation, 162, 262, 267
ELISA, 277, 279–280, 288
Embryogenesis, 85–95
Enabling technologies, 326, 327,
332, 334–339
Enhancers, 143, 144, 180,
Enhancer trap, 225–226
Environmental impact quotient, 9–14
Environmental Protection Agency, US,seeEPA
Environmental Risk Assessment, 312–321
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay,
EPA, 293–296, 298–300
Epistasis, 55
EPSPS, 197–199, 207
ESTs, 196
Ethylene, 101–105, 117, 133
EU, 294, 299–301, 305, 312
European Union,seeEU
Event, transgenic, 74, 77, 162, 198, 221–224,
227, 230, 255, 259, 269, 358–360,
363, 365
Exon, 146–147
Explant, 114–128, 222
Expressed sequence tags,seeESTs

FDA, 293–298
Flavr Savr tomato, 295, 345, 350, 352

FLP-FRTrecombination system, 236, 360
Fluorescencein situhybridization, 34
Food and Drug Administration, US,seeFDA
Frankenstein, 343–344
Freedom to operate,seeFTO

GA,seeGiberellic acid
Gametogenesis, 85–88
Gateway cloning, 172–181, 361
Gene, definition, 22–23
Gene gun,seeparticle bombardment
Gene silencing,seeRNAi,see also
antisense construct
Genetic linkage, 28–29, 76, 236, 363
Genome, 22–24, 32–35, 40
Genomics, 194–197
Genotype, 25–28, 51–52
GFP reporter gene, 178, 233–234, 255,
260, 268
Gibberellic acid, 91, 101–103, 116, 185
Glyphosate resistance, 7, 9, 14, 197–199, 229,
see alsoherbicide resistance
Golden Rice, 205–207, 209, 210, 212–215
Gonsalves, 211–212
Green fluorescent protein,seeGFP
GUS reporter gene, 95, 222–224, 231–232,
268, 272

Hemizygous, 277
Herbicide resistance (or tolerance), 7, 9–14,
182, 197–200
Heterologous, 224, 332, 334
Hinchee, Maud, 270–271
Histone acetyltransferase, 145
Histones, 136, 138, 145
HPT selectable marker gene, 228–229, 332
Hybrids, 26–29, 39–44, 54–55, 61–72
Hybrid varieties, 58, 72–74
Hygromycin phophotransferase,seeHPT
selectable marker gene

IAA, 104, 114, 116
IBA, 117
Indole acetic acid,seeIAA
Indole butyric acid,seeIBA
Insect resistance, 7, 9–14, 200–202
Intellectual property,seePatents
Intron, 146–147
IPT gene, 230, 236
Isopentyl transferase gene,seeIPT gene

Jasmonic acid, 102–103

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