Plant Biotechnology and Genetics: Principles, Techniques and Applications

(Grace) #1

Khush, Gurdev, 78–80
Klein, Ted, 271–272
Kozak sequence, 150, 170

Laser micropuncture, 263
Left border, T-DNA, 166–167, 282–283
Ligase, 160, 165
Luciferase reporter gene, 231, 233, 240

Male sterility, 38, 61, 230
Marker-assisted selection, 56, 74–76
Marker-free strategies, 218, 233–237
Marker gene, selectable, 167, 182, 218–222,
226–231, 277–279, 331, 332, 362
Material transfer agreement, 328, 334
Matrix attachment region, 186
Meiosis, 30–34
Mendel, Gregor, 25, 28
Segregation, 25–30, 50, 54, 222, 269, 277
Trait, 25–30
Root apical, 84, 85, 90, 94–95
Shoot apical, 84, 85, 90, 92–94
Messenger RNA,seemRNA
Methylation, DNA, 146, 160
Microarray analysis, 195–196
Mitosis, 30–34
Monarch butterfly, 315–319, 349–350
Analysis, 284–286,see alsoNorthern
blot analysis and Real-time PCR
Production, 140–142, 146–150
Stability, 169–170, 195–196
MS medium, 114–116
Multiple cloning site, 170
Murashige and Skoog medium,
seeMS medium
Mutation breeding, 76, 77, 156

Nanofiber arrays, 263–264
National Institutes of Health,seeNIH
Neomycin phosphotransferase,seeNptII
selectable marker gene
NIH, 293
Northern blot analysis, 284–288
NptII selectable marker gene, 228–229, 332
Nucleosome, 139–140, 145

OECD, 293–294
Oils, modified, 207–208
Oral vaccine, 208

Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development,seeOECD
Organogenesis, 120, 125, 230
Origins of replication, 163, 166–168
Open access, 325–339
Open reading frame, 179–181
Open source, 338
ORF,seeOpen reading frame
Outcrossing, 35–39, 64, 69, 187
Ow, David, 238–240

Papaya ringspot virus, 204, 212
Parrott, Wayne, 189–190
Patents, 251, 257, 265, 325–339
PAT gene, 99–101
Pathogen resistance, 202–205
Defined, 171
Real-time, 280, 283, 286
Use in cloning, 175
Use in identifying transgenic plants,
Pedigree breeding, 64
PEG, 262
Pharmaceuticals, 208–209, 364–365
Phosphinothricin acetyltransferase gene,
seePAT gene
Phosphoisomerase gene,seePMI gene
Photomorphogenesis, 91–92
PIPRA, 333, 337
Plant-produced pharmaceuticals,see
Plasmids, 159–188
Plastid vector,seeChloroplast transformation
PMI gene, 229
Polyadenylation,seePolyA tail
PolyA tail, 147–147
Polyethylene glycol,seePEG
Polygenic traits, 26, 50–51, 185
Polylinker,seeMultiple cloning site
Polymerase chain reaction,seePCR
Polypeptide, 136, 148–152
Polyploids, 38–41
Population genetics, 55
Position effects, 223, 224, 259, 361
Posttranscriptional gene silencing,seeRNAi
Posttranslational modification, 152–153,
186, 196
Potrykus, Ingo, 213–215
PPT, 229, 309
Prior art, 334–336

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