Plant Biotechnology and Genetics: Principles, Techniques and Applications

(Grace) #1

Promoter trap, 225–226
Protein blot analysis,seeWestern blot analysis
Protoplasts, 123–124, 261–262
Public Sector Intellectual Property Resources
for Agriculture,seePIPRA
Punnett square, 27–29
Putative transformants, 277, 279, 288

Quantitative PCR,seeReal-time PCR
Quantitative trait loci (QTL), 56, 75–76

Raikel, Natasha, 106–108
Reading frame, 148–150, 178–179
Real-time PCR,seePCR, Real-time
Homologous, 186–187, 259, 359–360, 364
Site-specific, 172–181, 236, 359–361,see
alsoGateway cloning and Cre-lox
Recurrent selection, 58, 61, 63, 67, 70–72
Reporter genes, 170, 220, 222–227, 231–235
Restriction endonuclease, 160–161, 165, 170,
Restriction enzyme,seeRestriction
R gene, 202–203
Ribonuclease, 230–231
Right border, T-DNA, 166–167, 282–283
RNA blot analysis,seeNorthern blot analysis
RNAi, 179, 259
RNA interference,seeRNAi
RNA polymerase II, 140–144, 162, 188, 227
RNases, 146–147, 284
Root apical meristem, 80, 82, 84, 90, 94–95
Roundup, Roundup-Ready,seeglyphosate

Seed germination, 85, 91
Selectable marker genes, 167–168, 182, 187,
218–222, 226–231, 234–237, 332
Self-fertilization, 27–29, 35–36, 58, 63–64,
Self-incompatibility, 35–38
Shelton, Anthony, 306–307
Shifting balance theory, 60
Shillito, Ray, 308–309
Signal transduction, 90–93, 97, 101–106
Silicon carbide whiskers, 262
Single-seed descent, 64–65
Somaclonal variation, 122, 125–126, 349
Somatic embryos, 120, 121, 123, 126–128,
188, 221
Southern blot analysis, 280–284

Splicesome, 147
Stacked genes, 2, 62, 185, 202, 363
Start codon, 150, 169–170
Stop codon, 148, 152, 178–179
Surface sterilization of explants, 118–119
Synthetic varieties, 71–72
Systems biology, 107, 196

Tapetum, 230–231
Taq DNA polymerase, 278, 286
TATA box, 148, 168–169
T-DNA, 18, 166–170, 178, 185–190,
249–254, 283
Ti Plasmid, 18, 166–168, 225, 228, 230,
249, 252
Totipotency, Totipotent, 113–114, 248
Input, 62, 197–205
Output, 205–210
Factors, 92, 94, 98, 140–146, 169, 182
Process, 140–147
Start site, 169
Transfer DNA,seeT-DNA
Transfer RNA,seetRNA
Translation, 148–152
Translation start site,seestart codon
tRNA, 150–151
Tumor-inducing plasmid,seeTi Plasmid

UidAgene,seeGUS reporter gene
United States Department of Agriculture Animal
and Plant Health Inspection Service
Biotechnology Regulation Service,
Untranslated region,seeUTR
Upregulated gene, 195
UTR, 142, 169

Viral vectors, 263
Vir genes,seeVirulence genes
Virulence genes, 166, 250, 263

Western blot analysis, 286–287
World Trade Organization,seeWTO
Wright, Martha, 129–130
WTO, 300

Yuan, Joshua, 367–368

Zinc finger nuclease, 363–364

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