Biology Questions and Answers
- What is the clitellum of
earthtworms and where it is
The clitellumannelid constituted is a special reby ringsgion of the
(metameres) It can be found in the anterior pwith reproductive fortion unction.of (^)
the animal and it is characterized by a
lighter color normal color oin comf the other segments.parison to the
- Concerning the occurrence
of separated sexes how are
the beings of the phylum
Annelida classified?
These beings may be dioecious (tmajority of polychaetes) or he
hermaphrodite monoecious
(oligochaetes and hirudineans).
- Is the embryonic
development in earthworms
direct or indirect?
In earthwoso the embryonic derms there is novelopment is direct. larval stage,
- What is the name of the
larval stage of polychaetes?
Among the annelid classespolychaetes present a larval stage. only (^) Their
larva is called trocophore.
- What is the ecological role
of earthworms?
Earthworms have an important
ecologicalorganic material. T role as they eat decomposinghey also dig tunnels
in the subsoil allowing the entrance of
gases and nutrients that are plant roots and other living buseful foreings. So (^)
they act as decomposers and as
fertilizers too.
- Into which classes is the
phylum Annelida divided?
The phylum is diviclasses: oligochaetes (for examded into threeple, (^)
earthworms), hirudineans (e.g.,
leeches) and polychamostly marine aquatic with petes (these arearapodia, (^)
like nereis).
- Annelid Identity card. How
are they characterized
according to examples of
representing beings, basic
morphology, type of
symmetry, germ layers and
coelom, digestive system,
respiratory system, circulatory
system, excretory system,
nervous system and types of
Examples oearthworms, lef representineches, lugworms. Basicg beings: (^)
morphology: cylindrical body,
segmented (metamesymmetry: bilateral. Germ layric). Type ofers and (^)
coelom: triploblastics, coelomates.