Biology Questions and Answers

(Greg DeLong) #1

Biology Questions and Answers

the tissues to be irrigated. In closed
circulatory systemswithin blood vessels and through the blood circulates only

  1. What is the type of
    circulatory system present in

In beings of the phylum circulatory system is closed, i.e., bloodAnnelida the (^)
circulation takes placspecialized vessels. e only within

  1. Is there a respiratory
    pigment in the annelid blood?

The blood in beings of the phylum

Annelida contains thpigment hemoglobin e respiratory(the same found in (^)
chordates) and other pigments too.

  1. How can the presence,
    localization and function of
    muscular tissue in beings of
    the phylum Annelida be

In these beings there are a longitudimuscular layer under the epidermis annald, (^)
internally juxtaposed and perpendicular
to it, amuscularnother circular layer. The circular (radial to t musclehe axis)
layer has the function of elongating the
body while the longitudinal shBy alternating actions both promoteortens it.

  1. How can the excretory
    system of annelids be
    In each segment (mbeing a pair of complete eetamere) xcretoryof the
    structures calleThe metanephridium d metanhas an ephridium exists.extremity,
    the nephrostoma, which collects

residuals frthem and causinom the coelom, g reabsorption alonfiltering (^) g its
extension (similar to human nephron
tubules). The material to bgoes out through a pore, thee excreted
nephridiopore, which opsurface. ens in the body

  1. How is the nervous system
    characterized in beings of the
    phylum Annelida? How can
    one compare cephalization in
    annelids to cephalization in
    nematodes and

Annelids have a nervous system maof two ventral chords and one relativelyde (^)
big nervous cell concanterior portion resembling a primitiveentration in its (^)
Nematoconnectedes have an anterior nd to two neural chords, aeural ring
ventral anplanarias (platyhelmid a dorsal onnthes) the, while inere are (^)
only two small anterior “cerebral”
ganglia from which neural chords split.Cephalization in annelids thus is more
outstanding than in nematodes or in

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