Biology Questions and Answers
Molluscs are important players in
several food chains in emarine molluscs are part of a commcosystems. Manyon
human diet, like octopus and squid,
very appreciateoysters and mussels,d in the East, and consumed all (^)
around the world. Besides molluscs that
are part of the food industry, pemade by oysters have high commercialarls (^)
- How are natural and
artificial pearls created?
Pearls are made from small strange
particlesand the mantle of the oyster. T that deposit between the shellhese
particles trigger a defense process by
the organism ancovered by calciumd they are gradually carbonate layers (^)
secreted by the oyster to pearls. thus giving birth
In the artificialsmall fragment of shell cover production of pearls aed with
mantle pieces is inserted between the
shell and the mantle pearl is formed around the graft.of an oyster and a
- Mollusc identity card. How
are molluscs characterized
according to examples of
representing beings, basic
morphology, type of
symmetry, germ layers and
coelom, digestive system,
respiratory system, circulatory
system, excretory system,
nervous system and types of
Examples of representing beings: snails,
sea slugs, octopoysters. Basic morphology: uses, squids, mussels,soft body,
with or without calcareous shell. Type of
symmetry: bcoelom: triploilateral.blastics, Germ lay coelomates.ers and
Digestive system: complsystem: branchial or, in terrestrialete. Respiratory
gastropods, lungs. Circulatory system:
open or, in cephalopoExcretory system: nephridia. Neds, closed. (^) rvous
system: ganglial, advanced
cephalization ireproduction: sexual.n cephalopods. Types of