Biology Questions and Answers
- What are some
representatives of the
echinoderm phylum?
Starfishes, s(holothurians), sea uea cucumrchins anbers (^) d brittle
stars are examples of echinoderms.
- Under which environments
do echinoderms live?
Echinoderms arlive in salt water.e marine animals, they
- What are the basic
morphological features of
Echinoderms, as th(echino = spiny, derma = skin), e name indicatesare (^)
creatures with spiendoskeleton. Their endoskeletones originated from ann is
made of calcareous plaques that besides
spines contain used to clean the body and to help thepedicellaria, small pincers
capturing of prey. They also present a
hydrovascular system knowambulacral system. Adult ecn as thhinodermse (^)
have pentaradial symmetry; the radial
symmetry isecondary, pn these animals isresent only in adults.
- How can the endoskeleton
of echinoderms be
characterized in comparison
to analogous structures
present in vertebrates,
arthropods and molluscs?
The echinoderm skeleton is internal,
i.e., it is an endoskeletocalcium carbonate (calcareous).n. It is made of
Vertebrates also hmade of bones and cartilages.ave internal skeleton
Arthropods have an external carapacemade of chitin, a chitinous exoskeleton. (^)
Some molluscs present a calcareous
shell that works as exoskeleton.
- What is the system that
permits movement and
fixation to echinoderms?
The system that permits movement and
fixation called the ambulacralto substrates in echinoderms is system. In these
animals water enters through a
structure through chacalled mannels and reaches thedreporite, passes
ambulacral feet in the undersurface of
the body. In the ambulacralcontact with the substrate, there are region in
tube feet filled and emptied by waterthus acting as suckers.