Biology Questions and Answers
- How different is the
amphibian heart from the fish
The fish heart has only two an atrium and a ventricle, and the bloodchambers, (^)
that comes to it is purely venous.
In amphibians there are three heart
chambers (a and there is arterial blosecond atrium is pod coming resent)from (^)
the lungs; in these animals the heart
has two atria (one that gthe body and other that gets blood fromets blood from (^)
the lungs) and one ventricle; arterialblood mixes with venous blood within (^)
the ventricle which in turn pumps the
blood to thcirculation.e lungs and to the systemic
- How is excretion done in
Adult amphibians havfilter blood. Nitrogen waste ise kidneys that excreted (^)
as urea (so beings). The larvae, aqamphibians aruatic, excretee ureotelic (^)
- Is fecundation in
amphibians external or
internal? In this aspect are
amphibians evolutionarily
proximal to fishes or to
In the majorityfecundation is e of the amphibian spxternal. This feature isecies
common to bony fishes too and it shows
that the reproductive system and the
embryonic development of amphibians
are a heritage from osteichthyes.
Curiously although having external
fecundation amcopulate to stimulatephibian male the liberation oand femalef
sperm and egg cells. This phenomenon
does not characterizfecundation since the gametes une internal (^) ite in
- Why is the occurrence of
eyelids in amphibians in
comparison to their absence in
fishes an adaptation to
terrestrial life?
Eyelids associated to lacrimalprotect and keep eyes lubricated agai glands (^) nst
damage from the terrestrial environments. Fishes do notgreat luminosity of (^)
have eyelids since their eyes are in
constant contact with the fluid medium.
- What are the problems
that vertebrates needed to
solve to adapt to the
terrestrial environment since
they came from the aquatic
habitat? How does evolution
solved those problems?
The main pfrom water roblems vertneeded to solve ebrates cominto adapt tog (^)
the terrestrial environment were the
followingdehydration; : the problem the problem of eliminationto avoid (^)
of wastes in a medium where water is
less available; against nocent solar radiation; the problem of protectionthe
problem of gamete locomotion in the