Biology Questions and Answers

(Greg DeLong) #1

Biology Questions and Answers

  1. What is anemia? What are
    the four main types of

Anemia is low cohemoglobin in the blood.ncentration of

The four main nutrient-deficiency anemia, anemiatypes of anemia are the
caused by blood loss, hemolytic anemiaand aplastic anemia.

Nutrient-deficiency andietary deficiency of fundamentalemia is cause d by

nutrients for the production orfunctioning of the red blood cells, like (^)
iron (iron deficiency anemia), vitamin
B12 and folic acid.
Anemia caused by blood loss occurs in
hemorrhagic colike peptic ulcerations anditions or nd hookwormin diseases
Hemolyticexcessive destruction of red blood cells, anemia is caused by (^)
for example, in hypervolemic conditions (in diseases like malaria orexcessive
water in blood that causes lysis of red
blood cells).
Aplastic anemia occurs from deficiencies
of the hematopwhen the bone marrow is ioiesis and it happensnjured by
cancers fby autoimmurom otne diseases aher tissues (metastasis),nd by
intoxication from drugs (like sulfas and
anticonvulsants)substances (like benzene, insecticides, or by chemical (^)
paints, herbicides and solvents in
general). Somaffect the bone marrow e genetic diseases alsocausing aplastic (^)

  1. What is the difference
    between white and red blood
    cells? What are leukocytes?
    Red blood cells are erythrocytes anwhite blood cells are the leukocytes.d
    Leukocytesdefense of the body against strange are cells specialized in the
    agents and they are part of the immsystem. une

  2. What are the types of
    leukocytes and how are they
    classified into granulocytes
    and agranulocytes?

The types olymphocytes, mof leukocytes arenocytes, neutrophils, (^)
eosinophils and basophils. Granulocytes
are those in whose cytoplasmgranules (when viewed under electronic there are (^)
microscopy): neutrophils, eosinophils
and basophils are granulocytes.Agranulocytes are the other leukocytes: (^)
lymphocytes and monocytes.

  1. What is the generic
    function of leukocytes? What
    are leukocytosis and
    The generic function of participate in the defense of the bodyleukocytes is to
    against strange agents that penetrate or are made inside the body. it
    Leukocytosisconditions in and leukopenia are clinicalwhich the count of

leukocytes in a abnormal. When the leukocyte coblood sample is (^) unt in

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