How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

To Get Good Answers You Need Good Questions 143

Do you get it?

you will get better results if you focus your questions on your
explanations rather than on their understanding,

Let me make sure my instructions were clear. What is
your understanding of what I am saying?

What questions remain?

What else would you like to know?

With PowerPhrases you take responsibility for the com-
munication and imply that if they don’t get it, it’s because you
haven’t explained it well. People are afraid to look stupid and
will hesitate to ask questions if they think it implies that they
To clarify your understanding of what they are saying, say,

What I heard you say was... is that correct?

Let me make certain I understand you correctly. My
understanding is... is that accurate?

My impression of your situation is....Am I right?

As I heard you say...

To gather information, PowerPhrase questions are,

I’m interested in learning about...
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