How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

170 PowerPhrases in Action

think, feel, or want. You are in a fight-or-flight reaction. With
all the blood rushing toward the major muscles, primed for
action, there is very little blood left for thinking and problem-
solving. Ask yourself,

What do I really mean? If I spoke without concern for
how the other person heard it, what would I say?

That is your starting place. Go from there to balance what is in
your heart and mind with what will get you what you want.
Avoid saying,

That’s okay, no problem.

when you mean

I am furious about this!

Avoid saying

It’s a bit inconvenient when you fill the report out incorrectly.

when you mean

When the reports are filled in incorrectly it takes three
hours out of my day to fix it, and I can’t spare that time.

Avoid saying,

Is this absolutely necessary?

when you mean

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