Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

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we haveL=∇^2 , whereas for Helmholtz’s equationL=∇^2 +k^2. Note that we have

not specified the dimensionality of the problem, and (21.76) may, for example,

represent Poisson’s equation in two or three (or more) dimensions. The reader

will also notice that for the sake of simplicity we have not included any time

dependence in (21.76). Nevertheless, the following discussion can be generalised

to include it.

As we discussed in subsection 20.3.2, a problem is inhomogeneous if the fact

thatu(r) is a solution doesnotimply that any constant multipleλu(r)isalsoa

solution. This inhomogeneity may derive from either the PDE itself or from the

boundary conditions imposed on the solution.

In our discussion of Green’s function solutions of inhomogeneous ODEs (see

subsection 15.2.5) we dealt with inhomogeneous boundary conditions by making a

suitable change of variable such that in the new variable the boundary conditions

were homogeneous. In an analogous way, as illustrated in the final example

of section 21.2, it is usually possible to make a change of variables in PDEs to

transform between inhomogeneity of the boundary conditions and inhomogeneity

of the equation. Therefore let us assume for the moment that the boundary

conditions imposed on the solutionu(r) of (21.76) are homogeneous. This most

commonly means that if we seek a solution to (21.76) in some regionVthen

on the surfaceSthat boundsVthe solution obeys the conditionsu(r)=0or

∂u/∂n=0,where∂u/∂nis the normal derivative ofuat the surfaceS.

We shall discuss the extension of the Green’s function method to the direct so-

lution of problems with inhomogeneous boundary conditions in subsection 21.5.2,

but we first highlight how the Green’s function approach to solving ODEs can

be simply extended to PDEs for homogeneous boundary conditions.

21.5.1 Similarities to Green’s functions for ODEs

As in the discussion of ODEs in chapter 15, we may consider the Green’s

function for a system described by a PDE as the response of the system to a ‘unit

impulse’ or ‘point source’. Thus if we seek a solution to (21.76) that satisfies some

homogeneous boundary conditions onu(r) then the Green’s functionG(r,r 0 )for

the problem is a solution of

LG(r,r 0 )=δ(r−r 0 ), (21.77)

wherer 0 lies inV. The Green’s functionG(r,r 0 ) must also satisfy the imposed

(homogeneous) boundary conditions.

It is understood that in (21.77) theLoperator expresses differentiation with

respect toras opposed tor 0. Also,δ(r−r 0 ) is the Dirac delta function (see

chapter 13) of dimension appropriate to the problem; it may be thought of as

representing a unit-strength point source atr=r 0.

Following an analogous argument to that given in subsection 15.2.5 for ODEs,
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