if the boundary conditions onu(r) are homogeneous then a solution to (21.76)
that satisfies the imposed boundary conditions is given by
G(r,r 0 )ρ(r 0 )dV(r 0 ), (21.78)
where the integral onr 0 is over some appropriate ‘volume’. In two or more
dimensions, however, the task of finding directly a solution to (21.77) that satisfies
the imposed boundary conditions onScan be a difficult one, and we return to
this in the next subsection.
An alternative approach is to follow a similar argument to that presented in
chapter 17 for ODEs and so to construct the Green’s function for (21.76) as a
superposition of eigenfunctions of the operatorL, providedLis Hermitian. By
analogy with an ordinary differential operator, a partial differential operator is
Hermitian if it satisfies
where the asterisk denotes complex conjugation andvandware arbitrary func-
tions obeying the imposed (homogeneous) boundary condition on the solution of
The eigenfunctionsun(r),n=0, 1 , 2 ,...,ofLsatisfy
whereλnare the corresponding eigenvalues, which are all real for an Hermitian
operatorL. Furthermore, each eigenfunction must obey any imposed (homo-
geneous) boundary conditions. Using an argument analogous to that given in
chapter 17, the Green’s function for the problem is given by
G(r,r 0 )=
un(r)u∗n(r 0 )
. (21.79)
From (21.79) we see immediately that the Green’s function (irrespective of how
it is found) enjoys the property
G(r,r 0 )=G∗(r 0 ,r).
Thus, if the Green’s function is real then it is symmetric in its two arguments.
Once the Green’s function has been obtained, the solution to (21.76) is again
given by (21.78). For PDEs this approach can become very cumbersome, however,
and so we shall not pursue it further here.
21.5.2 General boundary-value problems
As mentioned above, often inhomogeneous boundary conditions can be dealt
with by making an appropriate change of variables, such that the boundary