Marriage, 1:409–411
Batonga people and,1: 112
ceremony and separation and,1:410–411
ChaggaNgasiboy andShijagirl ceremonies
and,1: 157
of Dinka people,1:202–203
family and community rites of,1:259–260,
family’s role and,1: 409
ghost marriage custom and,2:460–461
initiation importance and,1:409–410
Ndembu marriage ritual and,2: 573
Neur customs of,2:460–461
of Ovaherero people,2: 513
payments to woman’s family and,1: 410
of Pedi people,2: 521
preparation and negotiation of,1:409–410
procreation purpose of,1:409,2:572,
production capacity increased through,
1: 258
puberty and,2: 546
as sacred rite of passage,1: 409
spiritual continuity through,1: 258
spouse replacement after death and,1: 411
sterility cause of divorce and,1: 411
of Swazi people,2: 652
Tiv marriage system and,2: 666
white chalk, marital harmony and,2: 715
See alsoFamily rites; Procreation
Marx, Karl,2: 503
Masks, masquerades
ancestor roles and,1:193,2: 652
of Baga people,1: 88
of Bamana people,1: 226
of Bete people,1: 123
of Bulu people,1: 123
community history reflected by,1: 193
cosmological orientation of community and,
Cowrie shells and,1: 181
dance and song and,1: 193
Egungun and,1:231–233
of Ekoi people,1:233–234,1: 234
of Ekpo secret society,1: 235
of Fang people,1: 260
as form of storytelling,1: 193
Gèlèdè festival and,1:281–282,1: 282
of Gurunsi people,1: 301
harvest festivals and,1: 305
of Haya people,1: 308
of Kurumba people,1: 372
Mende spirits of secret societies and,1: 423
mummification and,1: 434
N’domo initiation rite mask of Bamana people
of Okande people,2:486–487
political, social, and economic forces and,
1: 193
Societies of Secrets and,2: 621
of Teke people,2:651–652
Yorupa Epa Society and,1:241–242
Massey, Gerald,1: 306
Matrilineal societies
of Akan people,1:10,1:24,1:49,2: 638
ancestral decent line and,1:47–48
of Bakota people,1: 93
of Batonga people,1: 112
of Beja people,1: 118
of Chewa people,1: 160
of Dagu people,1: 191
Gèlèdè festival honoring women and,
of Lomwe people,1: 384
Lugbara matrilineal shrines and,1: 390
mogya spiritual element of humans
and,1:24,1:25,1:26,1:49,1:69,1: 198
of Ovaherero people,2: 512
of Ovambo people,2: 514
of Saramacca people,2:594–595
of Senufo people,2: 605
of Yao people,2: 734
Mawu-Lisa, 1:411–413
Agbè and Naètè twin sea deities of,2: 473
as arch-divinity,1:211,1: 412
complementary forces of the world and,
complexity of,1:412,1: 413
Fa and,1: 257
of Fon cosmology,1:270,1:411,2: 440
Mawu Kitikana of Ewe people and,1: 251
Minona goddess mother of,1: 294
Nigerian Orisha similarities to,1:411–412
offspring gods from,1:412–413,2:441,
as one force,1: 412
primordial androgyny of,1: 264
sky deities pantheon and,1: 270
Supreme Being relationship of,
1:211,2: 712
Index 837