The Art and Craft of Problem Solving

(Ann) #1

Notice that x � I /(I-x) maps 1 / 11 and 1 / 101 respectively to 11 / 10 and 101/ 100.
That's promising. Call this map 'L And miraculously (verify!), f( -r(x)) = f(x). Thus
the integral substitution x � -r(x) transforms the second integral into the third.
Fortified by this triumph, we play around more with -r and discover that it trans­
forms the first integral into the second and the third into the first!
So it's easy (with a fair bit of algebra) to write the sum of the three integrals as a
single integral. The mess has been reduced to


  • 10
    (f (x) )^2 (1 + r(x) + q(x)) dx,

  • 100
    where r(x), q(x ) are rational functions (derivatives of -r, -r 0 -r, etc.)
    Since we are in the miraculous universe of a highly contrived problem, we expect
    another miracle. Perhaps 1 + r + q is the derivative of f. That would make the inte­
    grand be f^2 df, which integrates to f^3 /3. If that doesn't happen, don't give up. Look
    for something similar. The problem is ugly, but quite instructive. You may want to
    ask, is there any "geometric" realization of this "symmetry?" _

Problems and Exercises

9.3. 11 Prove that if the polynomial P(x) and its
derivative pI (x) share the zero x = r, then x = r is zero
of multiplicity greater than I. [A zero r of P(x) has
multiplicity m if (x -r) appears m times in the fac­
torization of P( x). For example, x = I is a zero of
multiplicity 2 of the polynomial x^2 - 2x + I.J
9.3.12 Let a,b,c,d,e E lR such that
b c d e
a + - + - + - + -= o.
2 345
Show that the polynomial a + bx + cx^2 + dx'3 + ex^4 has
at least one real zero.
9.3. 13 A Fable. The following story was told by Doug
Jungreis to his calculus class at UCLA. It is not com­
pletely true.

A couple of years ago, I drove up to
the Bay Area, which is 400 miles, and I
drove fast, so it took me five hours. At
the end of the trip, I slowed down, be­
cause I didn't want to get a ticket, and
when I got off the freeway, I was trav­
eling at the speed limit. Then a police
officer pulled me over, and he said, "You
don't look like no Mario Andretti," and
then he said, "You were going a little fast
there." I said I was going the speed limit,

but he responded, "Maybe you were a
little while ago, but earlier, you were
speeding." I asked how he knew that, and
he said, "Son, by the mean value theo­
rem of calculus, at some moment in the
last five hours, you were going at exactly
80 m.p.h."
I took the ticket to court, and when
push carne to shove, the officer was un­
able to prove the mean value theorem be­
yond a reasonable doubt.
(a) Assuming that the officer could prove the mean
value theorem, would his statement have been
correct? Explain.
(b) Let us change the ending of the story so that
the officer said, "I can't prove the mean value
theorem, your Honor, but I can prove the in­
termediate value theorem, and using this, I can
show that there was a time interval of exactly
one minute during which the defendant drove at
an average speed of 80 miles per hour." Explain
his reasoning.
9.3. 14 Finish up Example 9.3.7 by discussing the x <
o case.
9.3. 15 (Putnam 1994) Find all c such that the graph of
the function x^4 + 9x'3 + cx^2 + ax + b meets some line in
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