The Art and Craft of Problem Solving

(Ann) #1


four distinct points.
9.3. 16 Convert the statement "the tangent line is
the best linear approximation to the function" into
a rigorous statement that uses Iittle-oh notation (see
page 319).
9.3. 17 Let f(x) be a differentiable function that satis­
f(x + y) = f(x)f(y)
for all x,y E JR. If f' (0) = 3, find f(x).
9.3. 18 Let f(x) be a differentiable function that satis­
f(xy) = f(x) + f(y)
for all x,y > O. If f' (1) = 3, find f(x).
9.3. 19 (Putnam 194 6) Let f(x) := ax 2 +bx+c, where
a,b,c E JR. If If(x) I :S 1 for Ixl :S I, prove that If' (x) I :S
4 for Ixl :S 1.
9.3.20 More About the Mean Va lue Theorem.
(a) The "proof' of the mean value theorem on
page 332 was simply to "tilt" the picture for
Rolle's theorem. Prove the mean value theo­
rem slightly more rigorously now, by assuming
the truth of Rolle's theorem, and defining a new
function in such a way that Rolle's theorem ap­
plied to this new function yields the mean value
theorem. Use the tilting-picture idea as your
(b) If you succeeded in (a), you may still grumble
that you did merely an algebra exercise, really
nothing new, and certainly achieved no insight
better than tilting the picture. This is true, but
the algebraic method is easy to generalize. Use
it to prove the generalized mean value theo­
rem, which involves two functions:
Let f(x) and g(x) be continuous
on [a,b] and diff erentiable on (a,b).
Then there is a point u E (a,b) such
!' (u)(g(b) -g(a)) = g' (u)(f(b) -f(a)).
(c) The regular mean value theorem is a special
case of the generalized mean value theorem.
Explain why.
(d) It is still worthwhile to understand the gener­
alized mean value theorem pictorially. Draw a

picture to illustrate what it says. Can you de­
velop a pictorial proof, similar to the one we
did for the mean value theorem?
9.3.21 In Example 9.2.3, you were asked to show that
�n + 1 -� = O(n- 2 / 3 ). Presumably you have done
so, most likely using algebra. Show it again, but this
time, use the Mean Value Theorem!
9.3.22 Use the generalized mean value theorem
(9.3.20) to prove the following variant of L'Hopital's
Let f(x) and g(x) be diff erentiable on an
open interval containing x = a. Suppose
also that


x-+a lim f(x) = x--+a lim g(x) = O.

= lim!

x-+a g(x) x-+a g' (x) ,

provided that neither g(x) nor g' (x)
equal zero for xi-a.
9.3.23 The Mean Va lue Theorem for Integrals. This
theorem states the following:
Let f(x) be continuous on (a, b). Then
there is a point u E (a, b) at which

f(u)(b - a) = lb f(x)dx.

(a) Draw a picture to see why this theorem is plau­
sible, in fact "obvious."
(b) Use the regular mean value theorem to prove it
(define a function cleverly, etc.).
9.3.24 (Putnam 1987) Evaluate

f4 v'ln(9-x)dx

(^12) yln(9-x)+yln(x+3)
9.3.25 (Putnam 1946) Let f : JR --+ JR have a continu­
ous derivative, with f(O) = 0, and If'(x)1 :S If(x) I for
all x. Show that f is constant.
9.3.26 Find and prove (using induction) a nice for­
mula for the nth derivative of the product f(x)g(x).
9.3.27 (Putnam 1993) The horizontal line y = c inter­
sects the curve y = 2x -3� in the first quadrant as in
the figure. Find c so that the areas of the two shaded
regions are equal.

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