Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

28.3 The Electronic Structure of Crystalline Solids 1177

A typical metal has a density of mobile electrons approximately equal to 10^28 m−^3 ,
corresponding to a value of the Fermi level equal to several electron volts.


The density of copper is 8960 kg m−^3. Find the density of mobile electrons, assuming one
mobile electron from each atom and find the zero-temperature value of the Fermi level in
joules and in electron volts.

(8960 kg m−^3 )(6. 022 × 1023 mol−^1 )
0 .063546 kg mol−^1

 8. 49 × 1028 m−^3

εF0(5. 842 × 10 −^38 Jm^2 )(8. 49 × 1028 m−^3 )^2 /^3  1. 129 × 10 −^18 J 7 .04 eV

In the free-electron theory the Fermi level for nonzero temperature is approximately^9



1 −

12 ε^2 F0



whereεF0is the Fermi level at 0 K.
The energy per unit volume of the free-electron gas at 0 K is

U 0 





5 π^2


2 m
h ̄^2

) 3 / 2

ε^5 F0/^2 

3 NεF0


wheremis the electron mass. IfT<<εF/kB, the energy at a nonzero temperature is

Uel≈U 0 +

Nπ^2 k^2 BT^2
4 εF


The heat capacity per unit volume is







Nπ^2 k^2 BT
2 εF


If the electron gas obeyed classical mechanics the heat capacity would be 3kB/2 per
electron so that


π^2 kBT
3 εF

Cclass (28.3-16)

The quantum mechanical electron gas is sometimes called thedegenerate electron gas
because its heat capacity is “degenerated” from the classical value by the factor given
in Eq. (28.3-16). This meaning of the word “degenerate” is different from the usage in
previous chapters, where it applied to the number of states in an energy level.

(^9) J. S. Blakemore,op. cit., p. 176 (note 4).
(^10) J. S. Blakemore,op. cit., p. 176 (note 4).

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