Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

28.4 Electrical Resistance in Solids 1179

The ratio of the electronic contribution to the vibrational contribution is


0 .00753 J K−^1 mol−^1
0 .21JK−^1 mol−^1

 0. 036

aK. S. Pitzer and L. Brewer,Thermodynamics, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1961, p. 660.


Section 28.3: The Electronic Structure of Crystalline

28.21Construct an accurate graph of the fermion distribution,
Eq. (28.3-1), usingε/kBTas the independent variable
and assuming (a) thatTμ/ 10 kB, (b) thatTμ/kB,
and (c) thatT 10 μ/kB.

28.22Evaluate the Fermi level for copper at 298 K using Eq.
(28.3-12). Find the percent error of using Eq. (28.3-11).

28.23a.Evaluate the Fermi level of silver at 298.15 K using
Eq. (28.3-12).
b.Find the electronic contribution to the molar heat
capacity of silver at 15.00 K and at 298.15 K.

28.24The Fermi level for sodium is equal to 3.1 eV.

a.Find the number of mobile electrons per cubic meter
and per mole. The density of sodium is 0.971 g cm−^3.
State any assumptions.

b.Find the speed of electrons that have kinetic energy
equal to the Fermi level for sodium.

28.25In silicon, the band gap between the highest filled band
(the valence band) and the lowest vacant band (the
conduction band) is equal to 1.11 eV.
a.Assuming the Boltzmann distribution, find the ratio
of the population of the lowest conduction band
states and the highest valence band states at
300 K.

b.Assuming the fermion distribution with the Fermi
level at the top of the valence band, repeat
part a.

28.26Calculate the electronic contribution to the heat capacity
of copper at 298.15 K. Find the percent contribution to
the total heat capacity, using the law of Dulong and Petit
for the vibrational contribution.

28.4 Electrical Resistance in Solids

An electric current in a metallic conductor consists of moving electrons. The Drude
model^12 pictures a metal as consisting of mobile electrons and positively charged
“cores,” which are the ions produced when the conduction electrons are removed from
the atoms. Dilute occupation of the electron states is assumed. The electrons are pictured
as colliding with the cores, impeding their motion. We define a period of timeτby

(Collision probability per unit time)




LetN(t) be the number of electrons per unit volume that have not yet collided with a
core at timet. The rate of change ofNis given by





(^12) J. S. Blakemore,op. cit., p. 158ff (note 4); D. Tabor,Gases, Liquids and Solids, 2nd ed., Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, England, 1979, p. 188ff.

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