Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

1246 B Some Useful Mathematics

Thedtterm gives no contribution on the second leg of the path sincetis constant and
dtvanishes on this leg.
The contributions of Eqs. (B-56) and (B-57) are combined and set equal to zero:

z(t′, [B]t′)−z(0, 0)e−k^2 t


K 1 [A] 0

k 2 −k 1

(e(k^2 −k^1 )t

−1) 0 (B-58)

Our only interest in the functionzis that it furnishes us with this equation, which is
an algebraic equation that can be solved for [B] as a function oft′, giving the desired


k[A] 0
k 2 −k 1

(e−k^1 t−e−k^2 t) (B-59)

where we omit the prime symbol ont′.

B.5 Complex and Imaginary Quantities

Any complex quantityzcan be written in the form

zx+iy (B-60)

where√ xandyare real quantities and whereiis theimaginary unit,defined to equal
−1. Do not confuse the imaginary unitiwith the unit vectori. The real quantityxis
called thereal partofzand the real quantityyis called theimaginary partofz. The
complex conjugateofzis denoted byz∗(or sometimes byz ̄), and is defined to have
the same real part aszand an imaginary part that is the negative of that ofz.

z∗x−iy (definition ofz∗) (B-61)

A real quantity is equal to its complex conjugate.
Any complex expression can be turned into its complex conjugate by changing the
sign in front of everyiin the expression, although we do not prove this fact. For



e−iα (B-62)

This can be shown by using the identity

eiαcos(α)+isin(α) (B-63)

and the fact that the cosine is an even function and the sine is an odd function.
The product of any complex number and its complex conjugate is equal to the square
of the magnitude of that complex number, denoted by|z|^2 , and is always a real quantity.
Themagnitudeorabsolute valueofzis the positive square root ofz∗z.



z∗z (B-64)
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