Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

1294 I Matrix Representations of Groups

The 3 by 3 matrix in Eq. (I-3) is a representative of̂C 2 , denoted byR(̂C 2 ). The
representative matrices of the other three operations in the group are





⎦ (I-4)


− 100



⎦ (I-5)



0 − 10


⎦ (I-6)

Each of these matrices, when applied to the Cartesian coordinates of an arbitrary point
as in Eq. (I-3), gives the same result as operating on the point with the corresponding
symmetry operator. They also have the same multiplication table as the symmetry
operators and are a representation of the groupC 2 v.

Reducible and Irreducible Representations

The representation of theC 2 vgroup that we just obtained is not the only representation
of theC 2 vgroup. This representation is called areducible representation. This means
that it can be divided somehow into representations consisting of matrices with fewer
rows and columns (smaller dimension). This particular representation contains only
diagonal matrices. Such matrices have elements that act on only one coordinate at a time.
Because of this, we can make a set of 1 by 1 matrices by taking the upper left element
of each of the 3 by 3 matrices, and these matrices will have the same multiplication
table as the 3 by 3 matrices. The same thing is true of the set of center elements
and the set of lower right elements. We say that the representation can be divided into
threeirreducible representations, which cannot be further subdivided. A representation
consisting of 1 by 1 matrices is called a one-dimensional representation, a representation
consisting of 2 by 2 matrices is called a two-dimensional representation, and so on.
A one-dimensional representation is necessarily irreducible. A representation of higher
dimension might or might not be irreducible.
The representation obtained by taking the upper left elements is

R(̂E)[1] (I-7)

R(̂C 2 )[−1] (I-8)

R(̂σyz)[−1] (I-9)

R(̂σxz)[1] (I-10)

This set of 1 by 1 matrices consists of the only nonzero elements of the matrices that
act on thexcoordinate. For example, thêC 2 operator turnsxinto –x, andR(̂C 2 )isthe
constant that multipliesxto turn it into –x. The other 1 by 1 matrices are similar.
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