Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

I Matrix Representations of Groups 1295

We can show that these matrices obey the same multiplication table as the symmetry
operations. For example,

R(̂σyz)R(̂C 2 )[−1][−1][ 1 ]R(̂σxz) (I-11)

The other two one-dimensional representations also have the same multiplication table.
If a matrix has all zero elements except for those in square areas along the principal
diagonal the matrix is said to be ablock-diagonal matrix. An example of a block-
diagonal 5 by 5 matrix is


⎡ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎣






⎤ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎦


This matrix containsa1by1block and two 2 by 2 blocks. If two matrices of the same
size that are block-diagonal with blocks of the same sizes in the same positions are
multiplied together, the product matrix is block-diagonal with blocks of the same sizes
in the same positions.
If a representation of some group consists of a set of matrices that are all block-
diagonal with blocks of the same sizes in the same positions, it is a reducible repre-
sentation. A new set of matrices obtained by taking the corresponding block out of
each matrix is also a representation of the group. Even if a representation consists of
matrices that are not block-diagonal, it is a reducible representation if a similarity trans-
formation produces matrices that are all block-diagonal in the same way. Asimilarity
transformationon the matrixBmeans the carrying out of two matrix multiplications
with some matrix and its inverse as follows to yield a new matrixC:

CA−^1 BA (I-13)

The matrixAcan be any square matrix of the same size asB. If the same similarity
transformation is carried out on every matrix in a representation, the new set of matrices
is also a representation. If the same similarity transformation when carried out on every
matrix in a representation produces a set of matrices that are all block-diagonal with the
same size blocks in the same order, then the original representation is reducible, and
each set of corresponding blocks in the new set of matrices forms a new representation.
If no such transformation can be found, then the original representation is irreducible.

I.2 Classes in a Group

A group can often be divided into classes. IfAandBare both members of the same
group the matrixCthat results from the similarity transformation of Eq. (I-13) must be
a member of the group. If the membersAandA−^1 are replaced in turn by every other
member of the group and its inverse, keepingBfixed, it is found in many cases that only
part of the members of the group will occur in the place ofC. These members constitute
aclasswithin the group and if any one of them is put in place ofBin Eq. (I-13) only
members of the class will result in the place ofC. Every operator of theC 2 vgroup is
in a class by itself.
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