Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

Index 1371

method of intercepts for, 193
in nonideal solutions, 276
state and, 87
Molar enthalpy change of vaporization, in
boiling point elevation, 295
Molar entropy
of ideal solution, 242
of ideal gases, 186
method of intercepts for, 193
Molar Gibbs energy, 175–176
with fugacity and real gas, 176–177
in one-component systems, 208
ideal gas, 186, 195
chemical potential and, 184
method of intercepts for, 193
of water, 215–216, 215–216f
Molar heat capacity, 52
of van der Waals gas, 70
Molar integral heat solution, 278
Molar mass, of polymers, 592–593
Molar quantities
in one-component system, 185–186
experimental determination of, 191–194
method of intercepts, 192–194, 193–194f
in multicomponent systems, 184
in one-component ideal gas, 186–187
in one-component system, 185–186
Molar volume, 14
experimental determination of, 191–192
method of intercepts for, 192–194,
pressurevs. temperature and, 29, 30f,
32–33, 33f
partial, 276
Molarity, 254
Mole (mol), 8–9, 622
Avogadro’s constant and, 9
Mole fraction, 130–131
in Euler’s theorem, 189
molar concentration and, 255
Molecular beam
crossed, generation, 611–612, 611f
generation of, 610, 610f
Molecular beam reactions, 610–611f,
610–614, 613f
crossed beams, 611–612, 611f
in stationary gaseous sample, 612
techniques for, 612, 613f

Molecular collisions, in hard-sphere gas,
average collision, 427–428, 427f
collision cylinder, 426–427, 426f
mean collision time, 428
multicomponent, 430–433, 431f
relative speed, 427–428, 436
total rate of collisions, 429–430
Molecular dynamics
for gas research, 425
for liquids, 425, 1187–1188
Molecular geometry, VSEPR and, 877
Molecular mechanics, for computational
chemistry, 909
Molecular orbitals, 825
angular momentum properties of, 827
applications of symmetry to, 894–895, 895t
group theory for, 1299–1301
of heteronuclear diatomic molecules, 823
of hydrogen molecule ion, 825, 826f
symmetry operators and, 830–832, 832f
symmetry properties of, 827–830, 829f
Molecular orbitals that are linear combinations
of atomic orbitals (LCAOMOs),
833–837, 865–866
for additional excited states of hydrogen
molecule ion, 836–837, 836f
for beryllium hydride, 868–871
for beryllium molecule, 843
bonding qualitative description,
859–861, 860f
delocalized bonding and, 886–887
for homonuclear diatomic molecules
excited states, 850
valence-bond approximation, 849–850
for hybrid orbitals, 853–855
for hydrogen molecule, 840–842, 840t
for lithium hydride, 852
dipole moment, 858
for methane, 873–875
normalization of, 837
orbital regions for, 834–835, 835f, 844, 844f
for water, 877, 894–895
Molecular partition function, 1055
calculation of, 1064–1075
for diatomic gases, 1065–1072
for monatomic gases, 1064–1065
nuclear contributions to, 1075
for polyatomic gases, 1072–1075
product partition function corrections,

rotational partition functions, 1066–1069,
1067f, 1073
translational and electronic partition
functions, 1065–1066
vibrational partition functions,
1069–1070, 1074–1075
canonical, 1124–1128
classical, 1134
classical, 1136
canonical, 1134
quantumvs., 1137–1140, 1138f
for dilute gas, 1057–1063, 1059f
canonical, 1127
parameterαand, 1055–1056
parameterβand, 1056
probability distribution and, 1055–1063
Molecular phase integral, 1136
Molecular speeds, probability distribution of,
383, 405–410, 437
Molecular states
equilibrium populations of, 942–947
probability distribution for, 1043–1046
Molecular structure, ideal solutions and,
Molecular velocities, probability distribution
of, 383
Molecularity, of elementary step, 523–524
energy levels of, 950–951
energy of, 742
polarizability of, 986–987
Møller-Plesset perturbation method, for
computational chemistry, 908
Moments of inertia, 933
Monte Carlo method, for liquids, 1187–1188
Morley, Edward, 639
Morse function, for vibrational energy,
Moseley, Henry Gwyn-Jeffreys, 641
Most probable distribution
for dilute gas, 1048–1054, 1083
of vibrational states of four harmonic
oscillators, 1043–1044, 1045f, 1045t
MRI.SeeMagnetic resonance imaging
Multicomponent systems, 182–187, 195
chemical potential of, 184
Gibbs energy of, 182–183
internal energy, enthalpy, and Helmholtz
energy of, 183–184
Maxwell relations and, 185
partial molar quantities of, 184
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