Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1
11.6 Competing Reactions 513


Section 11.5: A Simple Reaction Mechanism: Two
Consecutive Steps

11.32For the consecutive first-order reaction without reverse
reactions, assume thatk 1  0 .01000 s−^1 and
k 2  0 .1000 s−^1 .If[A] 0  0 .100 mo L−^1 , find the value
of each concentration att 10 .00 s and att 100 .0s.

11.33 a.For the consecutive first-order reactions without
reverse reactions, make a graph of [A], [B], and [F] in
the case thatk 1  0 .0100 s−^1 andk 2  0 .100 s−^1.
Assume that[A] 0  1 .00 mol L−^1 and that B and F
are initially absent.

b.For the values of part a, make a graph ofd[A]/dt,
d[B]/dt, andd[F]/dt.

11.34a. For the consecutive first-order reactions without
reverse reactions A−→B−→F, obtain the expression

for [B] in the case thatk 1 k 2 , assuming that no B or
F is present at the beginning of the reaction. Proceed
by taking the limit of the expression of Eq. (11.5-6) as
k 1 −→k 2 , using l’Hôpital’s rule.^6
b.Construct a graph showing [A], [B], and [F] as
functions of time for the case that
k 1 k 2  0 .100 s−^1 and[A] 0  1 .00 mol L−^1.
c.Draw a graph showing [A], [B], and [F] as functions of
time for the case thatk 1  0 .099 s−^1 and
k 2  0 .101 s−^1 and[A] 0  1 .00 mol L−^1. Compare it
with your graph from part b.

11.35For the case of two consecutive reactions in which the
reverse reaction of the first reaction cannot be neglected,
sketch a rough graph showing the three concentrations as
functions of time. Compare your graph with those in
Figure 11.6.

11.6 Competing Reactions

In many syntheses a side reaction consumes part of the reactants but gives undesired
products. We consider the simplest case: that two competing reactions are first order
with negligible reverse reaction.


k 1
−→F (11.6-1a)


k 2
−→G (11.6-1b)

The rates of the two reactions combine to give


(k 1 +k 2 )[A] (11.6-2)

This equation is the same as Eq. (11.2-2) except thatkfis replaced byk 1 +k 2 , and its
solution is

[A]t[A] 0 e−(k^1 +k^2 )t (11.6-3)

The half-life for the disappearance of A is

t 1 / 2 

k 1 +k 2


(^6) See Robert G. Mortimer,Mathematics for Physical Chemistry, 3rd ed., Elsevier/Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 2005, p. 113ff, or any calculus textbook.

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