Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

514 11 The Rates of Chemical Reactions

We have


k 1 [A]k 1 [A] 0 e−(k^1 +k^2 )t (11.6-5)

The right-hand side of this equation does not contain [F], so we can multiply bydtand
integrate to obtain

[F]t′−[F] 0 [F]t′

−k 1 [A] 0
k 1 +k 2

(e−(k^1 +k^2 )t

−1) (11.6-6)

where we assume that[F] 0 0. A similar treatment for[G]gives the same result except
thatk 1 is replaced byk 2 in the numerator:

[G]t′−[G] 0 [G]t′

−k 2 [A] 0
k 1 +k 2

(e−(k^1 +k^2 )t

−1) (11.6-7)

where we also assume that[G] 0  0 .The ratio[F]/[G]has the same value at any time:



k 1
k 2

(reverse reactions negligible) (11.6-8)

Exercise 11.22
For the reactions shown in Eq. (11.6-1) assume that[A] 0  0 .500 mol L−^1 , thatk 1  0 .100 s−^1
and thatk 2  0 .0100 s−^1. Construct a graph showing [A], [F], and [G] fortranging from

If the reverse reactions cannot be neglected, the situation can be different. If the
system comes to equilibrium,


k 1
k′ 1

K 1 (11.6-9a)


k 2
k′ 2

K 2 (11.6-9b)

so that


k 1
k 1 ′

k′ 2
k 2

k 1
k 2

k′ 2
k′ 1

K 1

K 2

(at equilibrium) (11.6-10)

Depending on the values of the four rate constants, this ratio might differ significantly
from the ratio in Eq. (11.6-8). If F is a desired product and G is an undesired product,
the ratio of[F]to[G]might be optimized by allowing the system to come to equi-
librium (usingthermodynamic control) or by stopping the reaction before it comes to
equilibrium (usingkinetic control).
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