Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

13.1 Catalysis 577

The Michaelis–Menten Mechanism

Michaelis and Menten proposed a mechanism for enzyme catalysis.^11 For the case of
a single reactant R and a single product P,^12 this mechanism is

(1) E+RER (13.1-40a)
(2) ER−→ E+P (13.1-40b)

where E stands for the enzyme and ER stands for the enzyme-reactant complex. Many
biochemistry textbooks refer to the reactant as thesubstrate, but we will continue to
call it the “reactant.” Since we have not included a reverse reaction for the second step,
this mechanism will give a rate law for the forward reaction.
The application of the steady-state approximation to obtain the rate law for the
Michaelis–Menten mechanism was first carried out by Briggs and Haldane.^13 The two
differential rate equations are

k 1 [E][R]−k′ 1 [ER]−k 2 [ER] (13.1-41a)


k 2 [ER] (13.1-41b)

The steady-state approximation is invoked by setting the right-hand side of
Eq. (13.1-41a) equal to zero. An unknown but significant fraction of the enzyme is
in the combined form ER, so that [E] will differ significantly from the total concentra-
tion of the enzyme, given by

[E]total[E]+[ER] (13.1-42)

The total concentration of reactant is generally much larger than the enzyme concen-
tration and is thus much larger than [ER], so that to a good approximation we can write
[R][R]total−[ER]≈[R]total (13.1-43)
When we substitute [E]total−[ER] into the right-hand side of Eq. (13.1-41a) in place
of [E], set the result equal to zero, and solve for [ER], we obtain


k 1 [E]total[R]
k′ 1 +k 2 +k 1 [R]


Exercise 13.9
Verify Eq. (13.1-44).

The rate law for the forward reaction is obtained by substituting Eq. (13.1-44) into
Eq. (13.1-41b). This rate law is called theMichaelis–Menten equation:

forward rate


k 2 [E]total[R]



(^11) L. Michaelis and M. L. Menten,Biochem. J., 49 , 333 (1913).
(^12) Many biochemistry textbooks denote the reactant by S (for “substrate”) and its concentration by [S]
instead of [R]. No good reason is given for calling a reactant a “substrate.”
(^13) G. E. Briggs and J. B. S. Haldane,Biochem. J., 19 , 338 (1925).

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