Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

578 13 Chemical Reaction Mechanisms II: Catalysis and Miscellaneous Topics

0 [R] 5 Km

k 2 [E]total



Figure 13.7 The Initial Rate as a Function of Reactant Concentration for the
Michaelis–Menten Mechanism.



k′+k 2
k 1


The parameterKmis called theMichaelis–Menten constantor theMichaelis constant.
It is equal to a constant only if the temperature is constant. A version of the Michaelis–
Menten equation can be derived with inclusion of a reverse reaction for step 2. (See
Problem 13.11.) The Michaelis–Menten mechanism has also been studied without use
of the steady-state approximation.^14
Since Eq. (13.1-45) is not easily integrated, the method of initial rates is used
to apply it. A number of experiments are carried out with the same concentration
of enzyme but with different concentrations of reactant, and the initial rate is deter-
mined for each experiment. Figure 13.7 shows the initial rate given by Eq. (13.1-45)
as a function of reactant concentration. Note the resemblance of Eq. (13.1-45) to
Eq. (13.1-17), and the resemblance of Figure 13.7 to Figure 13.2. For small values
of [R] the initial rate is proportional to [R] and for large values of [R] it levels off
and approaches the valuek 2 [E]totalasymptotically. The value ofKmcan be deter-
mined by locating the asymptote and equatingKmto the value of [R] at which
the initial rate is equal to one-half of the asymptotic value, as indicated in the fig-
ure. The number of reactant molecules that react per enzyme molecule per second
is called theturnover number. Its maximum value is equal tok 2 and can range up
to 10^6 s−^1.

Exercise 13.10
a.Show that the initial rate approaches the valuek 2 [E]totalfor large values of [R].
b.Show thatKmis equal to the value of [R] at which the initial rate is equal to half of its
asymptotic value.
c.Show that the maximum value of the turnover number is equal tok 2.

(^14) N. Sundaram and P. C. Wankat,J. Phys. Chem., 102 , 717 (1988).

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