Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

664 15 The Principles of Quantum Mechanics. I. De Broglie Waves and the Schrödinger Equation







Figure 15.3 Mechanical Variables of a Particle in a One-Dimensional Box.(a) The
position according to classical mechanics. (b) The velocity according to classical mechanics.

According to classical mechanics, the particle would move back and forth at constant
speed inside the box, reversing direction as it elastically collides with the ends of the
box. Figure 15.3a shows the position of the particle as a function of time according to
classical mechanics, and Figure 15.3b shows the velocity of the particle as a function
of time. Quantum mechanics predicts a very different behavior.
The time-independent Schrödinger equation is

− ̄

2 m

d^2 ψ/d x^2 +V(x)ψ(x)Eψ(x) (15.3-1)

whereV(x) is the potential energy function. We divide thexaxis into three regions
and solve separately in each region:
Region I: x< 0
Region II: 0 ≤x≤a
Region III: a<x
We require thatψis finite and that it is continuous everywhere, including the boundaries
between the regions.
In regions I and III the potential energy approaches an infinite value, so the
Schrödinger equation is

d^2 ψ

− lim

2 mV
h ̄^2


2 mE
h ̄^2

ψ (15.3-2)

We require thatψis finite, and we assume thatEis finite, so the right-hand side of
this equation is finite. SinceVapproaches an infinite value, the left-hand side would
be infinite unlessψvanishes, so the solution in regions I and III must be

ψ(I)(x)ψ(III)(x) 0 (15.3-3)

For region II (inside the box) the Schrödinger equation is

d^2 ψ(II)

−κ^2 ψ(II) (15.3-4)
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