Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

15.3 The Particle in a Box and the Free Particle 665



2 mE
h ̄

2 (15.3-5)

Equation (15.3-4) is of the same form as Eq. (14.3-10). Its general solution is

ψ(II)(x)Bcos(κx)+Csin(κx) (15.3-6)

We must now make our solution conform to the continuity condition. In order forψto
be continuous atx0 andxa, we must require that

ψ(II)(0)ψ(I)(0) 0 ; ψ(II)(a)ψ(III)(a) 0 (15.3-7)

These conditions are similar to the boundary conditions for the vibrations of a string
in Section 14.3. In order forψ(II)(0) to vanish, the constantBmust vanish, because
cos(0)1. The coordinate wave function (energy eigenfunction) for region II is now

ψ(II)(x)Csin(κx) (15.3-8)

The continuity condition has another consequence. The condition thatψ(II)(a) 0
imposes a condition onκ, as in Eq. (14.3-14). The sine function vanishes when its
argument is an integral multiple ofπ, so that the quantityκcan take on the values
given by

nπκa or κnπ/a (15.3-9)

wherenis a quantum number that can take on integral values. The energy eigenfunctions
inside the box are now given by:

ψn(x)Csin(nπx/a) (15.3-10)

where we omit the superscript (II). We do not allown0, since this would correspond
toψ0 and the absence of any wave. If there is no wave there is no particle. We also
ignore negative values ofn, since the sine function is an odd function and replacingn
by−nwould simply change the sign of the function, corresponding to replacement of
Cby−C. The value ofCis unimportant for our present purposes since the Schrödinger
equation is satisfied for any value ofCand since the energy eigenvalues do not depend
The energy eigenvalues are quantized, with values determined by the value ofn:


h ̄^2 κ^2
2 m

h ̄^2 n^2 π^2
2 ma^2

h^2 n^2
8 ma^2


The quantization of the energy comes from the Schrödinger equation and from the
boundary conditions.
Figure 15.4a represents the energy eigenvalues of a particle in a one-dimensional
box by horizontal line segments at heights proportional to their energy values, and
Figure 15.4b shows the energy eigenfunctions. Each wave function is plotted on an
axis that is placed at a height corresponding to its energy eigenvalue. Note that the
wave functions in Figure 15.4b resemble the standing waves in Figure 14.7.
The energy in Eq. (15.3-11) is all kinetic energy, since we set the potential energy
inside the box equal to zero. Since we do not allown0, the minimum possible kinetic
energy is equal toh^2 / 8 ma^2 , corresponding ton1. This minimum energy is positive
and is called thezero-point energy. It is not possible for the particle in a box to have
zero kinetic energy. This result is very different from that of classical mechanics, which
always allows a particle to be at rest.
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