Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1

778 18 The Electronic States of Atoms. II. The Zero-Order Approximation for Multielectron Atoms

so thatMS0 forΨ 3. A similar calculation leads to the valueMS0 forΨ 4. We wrote
the operations and functions explicitly, but could simply have added themvalues and thems
values to obtain the same answers.
The wave functions in Eq. (18.4-2) are eigenfunctions of thêS^2 operator, although we do
not prove this. The eigenvalues are as follows. See Problem 18.9:

̂S^2 α(1)α(2)h ̄^2 (1)(2)α(1)α(2) (18.5-19)

̂S^2 β(1)β(2)h ̄^2 (1)(2)β(1)β(2) (18.5-20)

̂S^2 [α(1)β(2)+β(1)α(2)]h ̄^2 (1)(2)[α(1)β(2)+β(1)α(2)] (18.5-21)

̂S^2 [α(1)β(2)−β(1)α(2)] 0 (18.5-22)

The first three functions correspond to a triplet term (S1). The fourth corresponds to a sin-
glet term (S0). The symmetric spin factors correspond to the triplet, and the antisymmetric
spin factor corresponds to the singlet.
We can now infer the values ofLandSfrom the pattern thatMLranges fromLto−Land
MSranges fromSto−S. We always begin with the largest values ofMLandMSand assign
the states to the largest values ofLandSfirst. Since the only value ofMLis zero for all four
of these wave functions, the only value ofLis zero. The largest value ofMSis 1. This means
that the largest value ofSis 1. A value ofSequal to 1 requires values ofMSequal to 1, 0,
and−1. We assign three states with these values to a^3 S(tripletS) term. There is only one
state remaining, withMS0. We assign it to a^1 S(singletS) term. The only terms are a^3 S
term and a^1 S. SinceL0, the value ofJfor each term is equal to the value ofS. Including
theJvalues, the terms are^3 S 1 and^1 S 0.


Enumerate the states in the (1s)(2p) configuration and assign the Russell–Saunders term
With the 1sorbital and one of the 2porbitals we can make wave functions analogous to those
from the (1s)(2s) configuration. We use the complexΦfunctions so that we have definite values
ofm. With the 1sspace orbital and the 2p1 space orbital we have a symmetric space factor




[ψ 1 s(1)ψ 2 p 1 (2)+ψ 2 p 1 (1)ψ 1 s(2)] (18.5-23)

and an antisymmetric space factor




[ψ 1 s(1)ψ 2 p 1 (2)−ψ 2 p 1 (1)ψ 1 s(2)] (18.5-24)

Both of these space factors correspond toML1. The symmetric space factor combines
with the antisymmetric spin factor, leading to one state withS0. The three triplet spin
factors are all symmetric, so the antisymmetric space factor can combine with any of these,
leading to three states, withMSequal to 1, 0, and−1, corresponding toS1. The 2p 0
orbital combines with the 1sorbital in exactly the same way as the 2p1 orbital except that
ML0 for these wave functions. The 2p,−1 orbital combines with the 1sorbital in exactly
the same way as the 2p1 orbital except thatML−1. This gives a total of 12 states.
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