Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1
802 19 The Electronic States of Atoms. III. Higher-Order Approximations

The zero-order ground-state energy E
1 s 1 sis given by Eq. (18.3-13) andΨ

1 s 1 sis given
by Eq. (18.3-2). The first order correction to the energy is

E 1 (1)s 1 s

ψ 100 (1)∗ψ 100 (2)∗


4 πε 0 r 12


ψ 100 (1)ψ 100 (2)d^3 r 1 d^3 r 2 (19.3-11)

This integral is the same as the integral in Eq. (19.1-6), so that our perturbation method
result to first order is

E(0) 1 s 1 s+E(1) 1 s 1 s− 108 .8eV+ 34 .0eV− 74 .8 eV (19.3-12)

This is the same as the result of the variation method using the zero-order wave function.
The first-order correction to the wave function and the second-order correction to
the energy eigenvalue are more complicated than the first-order correction to the energy
eigenvalue. Appendix F contains the formulas for these quantities. No exact calculation
of the second-order correction to the energy of the helium atom has been made, but a
calculation made by a combination of the perturbation and variation methods gives an
accurate upper bound:^10

1 s 1 s−^4 .3 eV (19.3-13)
so that the value of the energy through second order is− 79 .1 eV, within 0.1 eV of
the experimental value,− 79 .0 eV. Since we are not using the variation method, the
approximate energy can be lower than the correct energy. Approximate calculations
through thirteenth order have been made, and have given values that agree with exper-
iment nearly as well as the best results of the variation method.^11


Section 19.3: The Perturbation Method and Its
Application to the Ground State of the Helium Atom

19.18 a. Using first-order perturbation, find a formula for the
energy of a particle in its ground state in a box of
lengthawith an additional linear potential


∞ ifx<0ora<x
bx if 0<x<a

b.An electron in a one-dimensional box of length
10.00 Å is transported to a planet on which the
acceleration due to gravity is 6. 00 × 1018 ms−^2. The
box is placed in a vertical position. Find the energy of
the electron in first order. Do you think that your
answer is a reasonable approximation to the correct

c.Repeat the calculation for the surface of the earth. Do
you think that your answer is a reasonable
approximation to the correct energy?
19.19 a.An electron is confined in a one-dimensional box of
length 10.00 Å (1. 000 × 10 −^9 m). The left end of the
box corresponds tox0 and the right end of the box
corresponds tox 1. 00 × 10 −^9 m. An electric field
Eis imposed on the electron so that its potential
energy is given by


Assume thatE 1. 00 × 109 Vm−^1 (1.00 volt
potential difference between the ends of the box).
Using first-order perturbation theory, calculate the
ground-state energy of the electron in the box and
compare it to the result that you get in the absence of

(^10) C. W. Scherr and R. E. Knight,Rev. Mod. Phys., 35 , 436 (1963).
(^11) C. W. Scherr and R. E. Knight,loc. cit.(note 10).

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