Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1
820 19 The Electronic States of Atoms. III. Higher-Order Approximations

the quantum number for the total orbital angular momentum, corresponds to the lowest
energy. The first rule correlates with the fact that the larger values ofScorrespond to
lower probability for small electron–electron distances, lowering the potential energy.
The form of the periodic table is determined by electron configurations. Elements
with the same number of electrons in the outer (valence) shell have similar chemical
properties. For example, all of the inert gases have eight electrons in the outer shell,
corresponding to a stable configuration with fully occupiedsandpsubshells in the
outer shell.


19.41 a.Using first-order perturbation, obtain a formula for the
ground-state energy of a particle in a one-dimensional
box with an additional potential energyĤ′bx,
wherebis a negative constant.

b.Obtain a formula for the ground-state energy of the
particle of part a, using the variation method and the
zero-order wave function as a trial function. Compare
your answer with that of part a.

c.Obtain a formula for the ground-state energy of the
particle of part a, using the variation method and the
trial functionφAx^2 (a−x). Compare your answer
with that of part a.

d.Assume that the particle is an electron in a
one-dimensional box of length 1.00 nm and that the
ends of the box are charged so thatb− 1. 60 ×
10 −^11 Jm−^1. Evaluate the energy according to parts
a and c.

19.42 a.Obtain a formula for the ground-state energy of the
particle of part a, using the variation method and the
trial functionφAxn(a−x).

b.Evaluate the energy according to part d and find the
optimum value ofn.

19.43A particle in a one-dimensional box (0<x<a) has an
additional potential energy imposed on it, given by
Ĥ′−Bsin(πx/a) whereBis a positive constant.
a.Using perturbation theory, obtain a formula for
E(0)+E(1)for the ground state (n1).

b.If the particle is an electron, if the box length is
10 .0 Å, and ifB 5. 00 × 10 −^21 J, find the values of
E(0)andE(1). Do you think thatE(0)+E(1)would be
a usable approximation to the correct energy?

c.How do you think the correct wave function would
compare with the unperturbed wave function (that for

d.Explain why a variation calculation using the
zero-order wave function as a trial function leads to
the same result asE(0)+E(1)in the perturbation
19.44If the nucleus of a hydrogen atom is atz0, and if an
electric fieldEis applied in thezdirection, the energy of
the system of the nucleus is equal to zero and the energy
of the electron is


wherezis the vertical coordinate of the electron andr
andθare polar coordinates of the electron. An electric
dipole consists of two charges of equal magnitude,Q,
and opposite sign separated by a distanced. The dipole
moment is defined to be


When a hydrogen atom is placed in an electric field, its
electrons are shifted in one direction and its nucleus is
shifted in the other direction, creating an induced electric
dipole. The polarizabilityαof the atom is defined by


For a hydrogen atom and for an electric field in thez
direction, the Hamiltonian operator is

whereĤ(0)is the Hamiltonian in the absence of the field.
The magnitude of the dipole moment is


a.Use the variation method to find the energy of a
hydrogen atom in an electric field in thezdirection
with magnitudeE. Use the 1swave function as the
variation trial function. No minimization will be
possible. Compare your result with that of the
perturbation method in Problem 19.22.
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