Physical Chemistry Third Edition

(C. Jardin) #1
19.6 Atoms with More Than Two Electrons 821

b.Use the variation method to find the energy of a
hydrogen atom in an electric field in thezdirection
with magnitudeE. Use the variation trial function
φA(ψ 1 s+cψ 2 pz)

Minimize the energy with respect to c. Explain any
difference between your result and that of part a.
c.Find the polarizability of a hydrogen atom from your
answer to part b, using the formula for the energy of
an induced dipole



19.45 a.Each element in the second row of the periodic table
has a higher ionization potential than the element to
its left, except for nitrogen, which has a higher
ionization potential than either carbon or oxygen, and
beryllium, which has a higher ionization potential
than either boron or lithium. Explain both the general
trend and these exceptions to the general trend.
b.The ionization potential is found generally to decrease
toward the bottom of a column of the periodic table.
Explain this fact in terms of effective nuclear charge
and electron shielding.
19.46Search the World Wide Web and write a brief report on
the current status of the controversy about the production
of elements 116 and 118.
19.47Identify each statement as either true or false. If a
statement is true only under special circumstances, label
it as false.
a.The orbital energy of a 4ssubshell is always lower
than that of a 3dsubshell in the same atom.
b.The ground state of every inert gas corresponds to a
filled valence shell.
c.The inert gases are the only elements with spherically
symmetric electron charge distributions.

d.An electron configuration that contains only filled
subshells can correspond to only one term symbol.
e.Orbital occupations that do not correspond to Hund’s
first rule cannot occur.
f.The self-consistent field theory can deliver the best
possible orbital wave function for a multielectron
g.A second-order perturbation result is always more
nearly correct than a first-order result.
h.An electron configuration with two unpaired electrons
cannot correspond to a doublet term symbol.
i.An antisymmetrized orbital wave function contains no
electron correlation.
j.An antisymmetrized orbital wave function contains no
dynamical correlation.
k.If a variation energy equals the correct ground-state
energy, the variation trial function must be equal to the
correct ground-state wave function.
19.48Gaussian orbitals are frequently used in computational
chemistry. Use the Gaussian function


as a variational function for the ground state of a
hydrogen atom. Minimize the energy and compare it with
the correct ground-state energy.
19.49Hoffman has published an article describing an Excel
worksheet that carries out the Hartree self-consistent
calculation on the ground state of helium.^36 Obtain and
use this spreadsheet to carry out the calculation and make
an accurate plot of the radial factor of the approximate
orbital obtained. Compare it with a plot of the orbital
obtained with the simple variational calculation in the

(^36) G. G. Hoffman,J. Chem. Educ., 82 , 1418 (2005).

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