5.10 Textbook of Enginnering Drawing------------------
y X VP a'
I a
X }.-'/ A,a H
I a
I y..~
I ....-
I /' /'
Fig. 5.10
a a'
a' c
....^0 y VP
HP a
X a
Fig. 5.11
- Looking at the pictorial view from the top, point a is on V.P and its view lies on xy itself. The
top view a does not lie on the H.P. So in this case the H.P need not be rotated. Therefore
mark a on xy on the projector drawn from al.
Problem : A Point B is 30 mm above HP and 40 mm behind v.p Draw its projection.
Solution: (Fig.5.I2) The point B lies in the IT Quadrant - It is 30 mm above H.P and bI is the front view ofB and is 30 mm above xy.
- Point B is 40 mm behind v.P. and b is the top view ofB which is 40 mm behind xy.
- To obtain the orthographic projections from the pictorial view rotate H.P by 90° about xy as
shown in Fig.5.12a. Now the H.P coincides with v.p and both the front view and top view
are now seen above xy. b on the H.P will trace a quadrant of a circle with 0 as centre and ob
as radius. Now b occupies the position above o.