_____ Orthographic Projections 5.11
Fig. 5.12 Point in II Quadrant
- To draw the orthographic projections; draw xy line on which a projectior is drawn at any
point. Mark on it bl 30 nun above xy on this projector. - Mark b 40 nun above xy on the same projector.
Problem : A point C is 40 mm below HP and 30 mm behind v.P. Draw its prujc('tim1<:.
Sulution : (Fig.S.13) The point C is in the ill Quadrant
- C is 40 nun below H.P Hence cl is 40 nun below xy.
- Draw xy and draw projector at any point on it. Mark cl 40 nun below xy on the projector.
o (')
X-;-:-::::-I-=-+--H.P Y
v.p 0
Fig. 5.13 Point in III Quadrant
3. Cis 30 nun behind v.P. So cl is 30 nun behind xy. Hence in the orthographic projections
mark c 30 nun above xy on the above projector.
Problem: A point D is 30 mm below HP and 40 mm in front of v.P. Draw its projeciton.
Solution: (F ig.S .14) The point D is in the IV Quadrant.
- Dis 30 nun below H.P. Hence, dl, is 30 nun below xy. Draw xy line and draw a projector
perpendicular to it. Mark dl 30 nun below xy on the projector. - Dis 40nun in front ofV.P; so dis 40 nun in front ofxy. Therefore, mark d 40 mm below xy.