--------------___ Geometrical Contructions 4.35
- With centre 03 and radius = 03B draw an arc 4B3 and with centre 02 and radius = 02C
draw an arc 1 C4. - Similarly draw arcs for the remaining portion and complete the ellipse.
Fig. 4.51 Construction ofan Ellipse (four-centre method)
Problem : Construct an ellipse when its major axis is 120mm and minor axis is 80mm.
Solution: (Fig.4.52)
- Take a strip of paper (Tramel) and mark PQ = half the minor a.xis and PR = half the major
as shown. - Draw AB = 120 mm to liepresent the major axis and bisect it at 0. Through ° draw a
vertical CD = 80 mm to represent the minor axis. - Keep the trammel such that Q is lying on the major axis and R on the minor xis. Now the
position of the point P is one of the points on the ellipse. - Then change the position of the trammel such that Q and R always lie on AB and CD
respectively. Now the new position of the pint P is another point to construct the ellipse. - Repeat the above and rotate the trammel for 360°, always keeping Q along AB and R along
CD. - For different positions ofQ and R, locate the positions of point P and draw a smooth ellipse.
Problem: Construct an ellipse when its major axis is 90 mm and minor axis is 55 mm.
Solution : (Fig.4.53)
- Draw the major axis AB = 90 mm and bisect it at 0. Through ° draw a vertical line
CD=55mm. - To represent diameters draw two concentric circles.
- Divide the circles into 12 number of equal parts and draw the radial lines. These radial lines